
Strengthening Agribusiness Incubation Ecosystems in Africa - Apollo Segawa

South-south Cooperation

Entrepreneurship plays a pivotal role in innovation, new agribusiness and generation of capital. Adequate policy frameworks, strategies and dedicated incubation support programmes are needed to design and develop conducive agribusiness incubation ecosystem and support programmes. FAO South-South Cooperation learning and peer-to-peer knowledge exchanges on agribusiness incubation policies and support frameworks [...]

Strengthening Agribusiness Incubation Ecosystems in Africa - Uganda

South-south Cooperation

Entrepreneurship plays a pivotal role in innovation, new agribusiness and generation of capital. Adequate policy frameworks, strategies and dedicated incubation support programmes are needed to design and develop conducive agribusiness incubation ecosystem and support programmes. FAO South-South Cooperation learning and peer-to-peer knowledge exchanges on agribusiness incubation policies and support frameworks [...]

South–South and triangular cooperation in agricultural development: FAO’s experiences

South-south Cooperation

South–South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) can play a catalytic role in accelerating progress towards the SDGs. SSTC is at the heart of FAO’s and the UN Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) operations. To further promote the key role of SSTC, FAO and UNOSSC are jointly launching the South-South in Action [...]