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In this paper we focus specifically on differences in the welfare impacts of COVID-19 on rural livelihoods between countries using nationally representative data that we disaggregate by food system typology. This typology captures key structural differences in the organization of rural economies and the vulnerabilities to rural livelihoods due to the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdown measures. In particular, we draw on household survey data collected from 54 countries through the World Bank’s COVID-19 High Frequency Monitoring Dashboard to generate descriptive data on COVID-19 impacts in rural areas across three dimensions: income, coping strategies and food security.

Year of publication: 2022
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 
Topic: Food security, Gender and youth, Social services
Language: English
Type of document: Technical
Geographical coverage: Global

Land degradation neutrality (LDN) has been defined by the Parties to the Convention as: A state whereby the amount and quality of land resources, necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security, remains stable or increases within specified temporal and spatial scales and ecosystems. The present report is an overview of the status of land degradation neutrality (LDN) in the region including a national overview for the 17 programme countries.

Year of publication: 2022
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 
Topic: Environmental services, Land
Language: English
Type of document: Technical
Geographical coverage: Europe, Central Asia

Unlike other regions of the world, the policy framework in Europe is in principle favourable to extensive livestock farming. EU policies recognise the multiple values of pastoralism and its contributions in terms of cultural heritage, environmental management and territorial cohesion. Recognising that these public goods are not sustainable without remuneration, the EU supports pastoralists with direct and indirect measures, including subsidies. The EU institutional architecture and policy domain represent important drivers of uncertainty for European pastoralists, who must continually navigate through multiple, fragmented and sometimes conflicting measures, rules and requirements that seem ill-suited to their operating principles, strategies and needs.

Year of publication: 2022
Organization: Individual authors 
Topic: Climate change, Economy, Environmental services, Food security, Participation, Social services
Language: English
Type of document: Technical, Policies and legislation
Geographical coverage: Europe

Extensive livestock production contributes significantly to local food security, national economies and regional integration, and shapes the socio-cultural patterns of distinct communities. However, the recent history of policy development in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) is one of misplaced modernization efforts, and dispossession and dislocation of pastoralists. Most policies, laws, investments and programmes have failed to harness the potential of pastoral systems, instead engaging in dismantling the mobility practices and social networks that make them viable.

Year of publication: 2022
Organization: Individual authors 
Topic: Climate change, Conflict, Economy, Environmental services, Food security, Land, Resilience, Social services, Value addition
Language: English
Type of document: Technical, Policies and legislation
Geographical coverage: West Africa, Central Africa, Eastern Africa, Southern Africa

Animal welfare is an important topic for consideration within every livestock husbandry sector. Welfare frameworks have recently been developed for intensively and semi-intensively husbanded dromedaries. These do not fit the reality of dromedaries under pastoral husbandry, and no specific analysis exists on dromedary welfare when reared under pastoral nomadic conditions. This article examines the existing husbandry practices utilised by nomadic pastoralists with the aim of improving the understanding of dromedary welfare in a nomadic pastoral husbandry system.

Year of publication: 2022
Organization: Individual authors 
Topic: Environmental services, Innovation, Participation
Language: English
Type of document: Scientific
Geographical coverage: Global

The evaluation provides five recommendations: i) develop strategies for facilitating the use by national stakeholders of remote sensing and GIS; ii) strengthen the gender dimension; iii) refine and promote PRAGA as a tool for monitoring of national CBD and UNFCCC commitments; iv) integrate more PRAGA assessments in interventions that invest in tangible rangeland management improvements; and v) establish an institutional home in FAO for rangeland and grassland management.

Year of publication: 2022
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 
Topic: Environmental services, Land
Language: English
Type of document: Technical
Geographical coverage: Global

L’évaluation a examiné le processus de mise en œuvre du projet et les résultats en matière de consolidation de la paix en République centrafricaine et au Tchad. Des retombées positives sont enregistrées dans les deux pays, tant du fait de la mise en place d'infrastructures (puits, cartographie des zones de transhumance) que de nouveaux processus de résolution des conflits à travers la discussion et la prévention. Il apparaît essentiel de développer une approche plus réaliste et sensible aux traditions locales en matière de genre/jeunes et de gestion des conflits, en collaboration avec les chefs traditionnels et les femmes.

Year of publication: 2022
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 
Topic: Conflict
Language: Français
Type of document: Technical
Geographical coverage: West Africa

This handbook calls for the legal recognition and securing of pastoral mobility as a way of safeguarding and facilitating a continuous stream of economic and social benefits for pastoralists, countries, and the environment. It facilitates a deeper understanding of pastoral mobility through examples and case studies drawn from various parts of the world and identifies considerations to be borne in mind when legislating for mobility.

Year of publication: 2022
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 
Topic: Environmental services, Organization, Participation
Language: English
Type of document: Technical, Policies and legislation
Geographical coverage: Global