Centro de conocimiento pastoril
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This evaluation has three objectives: i) evaluate the overall relevance and coherence of AFD Group interventions; ii) assess the performance of pastoral water projects; iii) propose strategies for continuing the process (with significant changes) or gradually winding it down. This exercise covered 11 projects implemented in three areas of Chad between 1993 and 2013. 

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: Agencia Francesa de Desarrollo 
Topic: Tierra
Language: English, Français
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: África Central

El pastoralismo forma parte fundamental de los tres pilares de la sostenibilidad y ofrece una combinación de beneficios sociales, ambientales y económicos. Explota vastas áreas de tierra que pueden ser más adecuadas para usos múltiples: la producción extensiva de productos alimenticios de alta calidad en combinación con la prestación de servicios de los ecosistemas de alto valor. Las políticas, los servicios públicos y las inversiones deben adaptarse para apoyar esta combinación de usos y para asegurar que la gama completa de beneficios sean adecuadamente compensados y protegidos.

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (IUCN), Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (UNEP) 
Topic: Economía, Servicios ambientales
Language: العربية, 漢語, English, Français, Русский, Español
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: Global

This field manual supports planning and management in rangelands including in village land use planning. 

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: Coalición Internacional para el Acceso a la Tierra (ILC) 
Topic: Tierra
Language: English
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: África Oriental

Rangelands are large natural landscapes that can include grasslands, shrublands, savannahs and woodlands. They are greatly influenced by, and often dependent on, the action of herbivores. In the majority of rangelands the dominant herbivores are found in domestic herds that are managed by mobile pastoralists. Most pastoralists manage their rangelands communally, benefitting from the greater flexibility and seasonal resource access that common property regimes can offer. As this book shows, this creates a major challenge for governance and institutions.

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (IUCN) 
Topic: Tierra, Organización
Language: English
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: Global

The Post-2015 Agenda provides an opportunity to work globally towards making livestock production systems more sustainable while finding solutions for the conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems such as rangelands. This fact sheet presents overlooked facts, myths and emerging issues regarding pastoralism and gives recommendations on how to work towards sustainable pastoralism. 

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (IUCN), Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (UNEP) 
Topic: Economía, Servicios ambientales, Participación
Language: English
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: Global

What is the magnitude of pastoralism? The issue of the social and economic importance of pastoral systems is closely related with policies of land use. Overestimating the importance of pastoral systems, or downplaying it, can slow down development and lead to undesirable consequences. This study looks at the demand, the supply, and the future concerning data on the magnitude of pastoral systems in Kenya.

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: , Autores individuales 
Topic: Economía
Language: English
Type of document: Científico
Geographical coverage: África Oriental

The World Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism (WISP) has now been in existence for a decade, a period during which considerable progress has been made globally towards sustainable pastoral development. Many challenges remain for pastoralists, but in the areas where gains have been made it is vital these are built upon and achievements are not squandered. This book follows WISP’s global approach and highlights key examples from its work with partners around the world. It identifies the impact of WISP’s work in empowering pastoralists through improved advocacy skills and better knowledge, and in helping to change policy and practice. Through case studies, testimonies and photos, this book aims to bring WISP’s global stories of pastoralism to a wider audience and identify opportunities for future success.

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (IUCN) 
Topic: Cambio climático, Economía, Servicios ambientales, Resiliencia
Language: English, Français
Type of document: Técnico
Geographical coverage: Global

Key stakeholders that included the pastoralists, farmers, and other natural resource users, civil society, the academia, key government agencies, faith-based organizations, the media and security agencies discussed and proffered lasting solutions to the security challenges associated with pastoralism in countries and across the region, to promote  the improvement of pastoral production systems.

Year of publication: 2014
Organization: Autores individuales 
Topic: Conflicto, Organización
Language: English
Type of document: Políticas y legislación
Geographical coverage: África Occidental, África Central