
This study looks at to what extent revenues from wildlife tourism contribute to pastoralist livelihoods in Maasailand. Significant areas have been set aside for conservation and tourism, but few benefits flow to pastoralists. 

Year of publication: 2012
Organization: 个人作者 
Topic: 经济
Language: English
Type of document: 科学
Geographical coverage: 东部非洲

El Libro Blanco de la Trashumancia en España es un compendio del conocimiento existente sobre esta práctica, ancestral y moderna, que tiene como objeto orientar la elaboración de políticas pastoriles futuras. 

La práctica pastoril en España, como en toda la cuenca mediterránea, se caracteriza por la práctica de la trashumancia. Su longitud y características vienen determinadas por las condiciones climáticas a las que se adapta. El Libro Blanco es un diagnóstico para hacer frente a la falta de información existente, con objeto de identificar soluciones a los problemas detectados. Dichas soluciones deben ser consensuadas entre todos los sectores implicados, incluyendo los pastores trashumantes. Este colectivo ha estado hasta ahora desestructurado y sin representación en ningún foro, pero como primer lobro de esta obra se ha constituido la Asociación Ibérica de Pastores Trashumantes. El Libro Blanco identifica el trasfondo histórico, ecológico y geográfico e identifica las acciones políticas necesarias para conseguir una práctica pastoril moderna, actualizada, viva y llena de futuro.

Year of publication: 2012
Organization: 欧洲联盟, 个人作者, 国际自然保护联盟 
Topic: 气候变化, 环境服务, 土著知识, 土地, 组织, 增加价值, 增加价值
Language: Español
Type of document: 技术, 科学
Geographical coverage: 欧洲

The role of communities in animal genetic resource conservation still remains largely invisible to scientists and bureaucrats. Livestock keepers in Pakistan, India and Kenya have developed community protocols to improve the visibility of the role of livestock keepers in conserving genetic resources, addressing problems of access to grazing land and conserving threatened breeds, as well as asserting customary rights in order to secure benefits from commercial use. This article examines three different experiences – the Pashtoon, Raika and Samburu BCPs – and the extent to which these were community-driven processes. It looks at whether and how communities have been able to make use of the protocols in the struggle to have their rights recognised. It concludes that BCPs are extremely useful for making visible the connection between communities and their breeds and important for securing the assets of livestock keepers in the long term.

Year of publication: 2012
Organization: 个人作者, 国际环境与发展研究所 
Topic: 环境服务, 土著知识
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 东部非洲, 南亚

This six page brief discusses the economic advantages and challenges of pastoralism in sub-Saharan Africa. It highlights that urgent action is needed to promote the land rights and social services for pastoral communities and strengthen the capacities and involvement of pastoralist organizations. 

Year of publication: 2012
Topic: 经济, 土地, 参与
Language: English, Français
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 西部非洲, 中部非洲, 东部非洲, 南部非洲

Mobile indigenous peoples have sustainably managed the land they live on for centuries. However, in the name of biodiversity conservation, some have been displaced and removed from their traditional territories and left destitute and culturally weakened. While these practices have been largely unwanted in theory by biodiversity conservation agencies, progress in human rights observance and land compensation lagged behind new thinking on the relationship between people and protected areas. Thus, local and national policy and institutional change in the field have not kept pace with advances in thinking at the international level; nor do they always live up to public declarations of concern for human rights. Ten years after the Dana Declaration on Mobile Peoples and Conservation was formulated in Wadi Dana, Jordan, it is time to follow up on the achievements of the past decade and consider the future. This workshop report therefore, addresses the concerns regarding the welfare of mobile indigenous peoples in biodiversity conservation.

Year of publication: 2012
Organization: 个人作者 
Topic: 环境服务, 土著人民
Language: English
Type of document: 技术, 政策和立法
Geographical coverage: 全球

Pastoralists and other indigenous livestock keepers have created breeds that are a crucial asset to humanity in adapting to climate change, conserving biological diversity and sustaining food production in harsh and challenging environments. Biocultural protocols are a means of bringing to light the crucial role of communities in conserving indigenous breeds and in maintaining the web of life that depends on them. The film showcases biocultural Protocols highlighting the Raika community of Rajasthan and the Samburu of Kenya.

Year of publication: 2012
Organization: , ,  
Topic: 气候变化, 环境服务, 土著人民
Language: English
Type of document: 视频
Geographical coverage: 全球

Participatory mapping of rangelands has proved to be a vital and powerful information-generating tool for identifying and understanding the use of rangeland resources and access to them. This paper presents a mapping exercise that took place in the Ng’abolo village in Kiteto District in Tanzania. 

Year of publication: 2012
Organization: 国际土地联盟 
Topic: 土地
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 东部非洲

Las regiones áridas ocupan el 41,3% de los continentes, 6,5 millones de kilómetros cuadrados donde habitan unos 2.000 millones de personas, de los cuales 650 millones se encuentran entre los más pobres de los pobres. El 40% de estos territorios es aprovechado por pastores nómadas, el 25% por rancheros, el 12% por agricultores de secano y el 2% de regadío. El pastoreo extensivo desempeña un papel fundamental en la absorción del carbono atmosférico, reduciendo la erosión, conservando el agua, favoreciendo la actividad icrobiana y la incorporación de nutrientes, mejorando la estructura del suelo y su productividad. El manejo adecuado de los pastizales, la plantación de arbolado y las correctas prácticas agrícolas pueden fijar del 10 al 20% de las emisiones globales de combustibles fósiles, por lo que la conservación del pastoreo extensivo se plantea como una de las grandes alternativas para el desarrollo sostenible y la adaptación al cambio climático durante las próximas décadas.

Year of publication: 2012
Organization: 个人作者 
Topic: 气候变化, 环境服务, 食品安全, 创新, 复原力
Language: Español
Type of document: 技术, 科学, 地图
Geographical coverage: 欧洲