Boîte à outils pour l’homologation des pesticides

Working Group on soils


The assessment of the hazards and risks of a pesticide to soil organisms, biodiversity and ecological functions is a key aspect of the registration process in many countries. Risks of pesticides to soils are of a particular importance as they may directly or indirectly affect agricultural production.

However, so far, few low and middle-income countries are conducting dedicated risk assessments for this compartment of the environment. This may be due to the lack of appropriate risk assessment procedures and models, lack of expertise and/or limited time or human resources available at the national pesticide registration body.

From 23 – 25 April 2018, FAO therefore invited experts to FAO HQ in Rome, to discuss the evaluation of pesticide risks to soil organisms, biodiversity and ecological functions. The working group was asked to provide advice to FAO on appropriate approaches, methods and models for risk assessment of pesticides to soil organisms, which can be used by registration authorities with limited resources. A large number of proposals were made by the working group and these recommendations will be incorporated into the Toolkit.