International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Scientific Advisory Committee on the Global Information System of Article 17


Established by the Governing Body in 2015, by Resolution 3/2015 and reconvened by resolutions 5/20174/2019 and 5/2022

Main Purpose

To advise the Secretary on:

  • general recommendations on the development and deployment of the Global Information System and its components as adopted by the Governing Body;
  • the discovery of new areas of work with potential impact on the System;
  • the selection of pilot activities for the Global Information System and, upon request of the Secretary, other initiatives and actions to sustain the operation of the Global Information System, and the further update of the Programme of Work.
  • to review, as may be required, the Programme of Work on GLIS for the consideration of the Governing Body at its Ninth Session;
  • to continue considering scientific and technical issues of relevance to DSI/GSD, and considering national legislation, as appropriate;

Full terms of reference



Membership and composition

  • Up to 2 scientific experts from each Region, nominated by the Vice-chairpersons of the Governing Body of each respective Region;
  • 10 additional scientific and technical experts appointed by the Secretary including experts suggested by the regions and relevant stakeholders, taking into account the required range of technical expertise and regional balance as appropriate



Document Symbol


Frequency of Sessions

At least one session per biennium, subject to the availability of resources 

Funding Source

Extra budgetary resources



First Session

November 2016

Pattern of Session

2016; 2017; 2018; 2021; 2023

Subsidiary Bodies or Groups


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