International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Compliance Committee


Established by the Governing Body in 2006, by Resolution 3/2006, pursuant to Articles 19.3e and 21 of the International Treaty. The procedures and operational mechanisms to promote compliance and address issues of non-compliance are found in Resolution 2/2011

Functions (Section IV of the Compliance Procedures)

1. The Committee shall, with a view to promoting compliance and addressing issues of noncompliance, and under the overall guidance of the Governing Body, have the following functions:

a) Consider information submitted to it regarding matters relating to compliance and issues of non-compliance;

b) Offer advice and/or facilitate assistance, as appropriate, to any Contracting Party, on matters relating to compliance with a view to assisting it to comply with its obligations under the International Treaty;

c) Assist the Governing Body in its monitoring of the implementation by Contracting Parties of their obligations under the International Treaty on the basis of reports of the Contracting Parties in accordance with Section V of the Compliance Procedures;

d) Address issues of non-compliance and identify the specific circumstances of the issue referred to it, in accordance with Sections VI to VIII of the Compliance Procedures;

e) Promote compliance by addressing statements and questions concerning the implementation of obligations under the International Treaty, in accordance with Section IX of the Compliance Procedures; 

f) Carry out any other functions as may be assigned to it by the Governing Body pursuant to Article 21 of the International Treaty;

g) Submit a report to each regular session of the Governing Body reflecting: 

i) the work that the Committee has undertaken;

ii) the conclusions and recommendations of the Committee; and

iii) the future programme of work of the Committee.

2. The Committee shall not consider any questions concerning the interpretation of, implementation of, or compliance with the Standard Material Transfer Agreement by parties or potential parties to it.




Ms. Priya BHANU (USA); Mr. Mahendra PERSAUD (Guyana)

Membership and composition

Up to 14 members, two from each of the FAO regions and not more than one from a Contracting Party. Members shall be elected by the Governing Body on the basis of up to two nominations from each of the seven FAO regions.

Members of the Committee shall have recognized competence in the field of genetic resources or other fields relevant for the International Treaty, including legal or technical expertise, and they shall serve objectively and in their individual capacity.
List of the Members




Document Symbol


Frequency of Sessions

as necessary 

Funding Source

Core administrative budget



Pattern of Session

2013; 2017; 2019; 2021; 2023

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