International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Toolbox for Sustainable Use of PGRFA


About the Toolbox

Recognizing the need to increase and enhance activities relevant to the goals of Article 6, the Governing Body of the International Treaty requested the development of an online system to assist all stakeholders involved in different aspects of the global PGRFA use: The Toolbox for Sustainable Use of PGRFA.

The Toolbox is an online database of resources on the sustainable use of PGRFA. It has been designed to provide information and guidance on policies, strategies and activities that can promote and enhance the sustainable use of PGRFA, particularly at national and local levels. The Toolbox contains publications, reports, research and studies, and other relevant information resources from various organizations and bodies worldwide. Users are expected to be from a wide range of stakeholder groups.

The Toolbox contains two different repositories of almost 2000 resources relevant to the sustainable use of PGRFA: technical resources and policy resources. 

  1. The Technical repository contains technical resources related to crop diversity, plant breeding techniques and approaches, training, or capacity building, crop wild relatives and farming systems.
  2. The Policy repository contains policy framework on legislation and policies, agreements, principles, declarations, strategies, and Action Plans, and other related information. 

The information documents are located on the right side of the web page.

  • The Brochure is an introductory document
  • The PowerPoint presentation is a capacity building document that all stakeholders can use to present the Toolbox at trainings or other events.
  • The User Guide makes the Toolbox more user-friendly

You can also contribute to the Toolbox by submitting a resource. 

Click here to access the Toolbox

Click here to submit a resource

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