Portail de l'appui aux politiques et de la gouvernance

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Nutrition and social protection. The many dimensions of nutrition

This publication presents the linkages and synergies between social protection and nutrition in the food and agriculture and proposes recommendations for maximizing the nutritional impact of social protection programmes. The target audience includes professionals working in social protection who wish to know more about how nutrition relates to their work, as well as nutrition experts who wish to know how social protection can contribute to improving nutrition. 



Food Loss and Waste Reduction. Agro-Industries Brief

A substantial proportion of the food produced for human consumption is lost through decreases in its quantity or quality, or wasted through being discarded when still fit for consumption. Food losses and waste have negative impacts on the environment, natural resource sustainability, and food and nutrition security. They also represent a loss of economic value for actors in the food supply chain. Value addition through processing and preservation is one of the avenues for reducing food loss and mitigating its negative effects. A wide range of challenges limit value addition by small and medium agro- industries in developing countries. These [...]



Burkina Faso. Socio-economic context and role of agriculture. Country fact sheet on food and agriculture policy trends

Burkina Faso has succeeded in achieving the Maputo Declaration target by allocating at least 10 percent of the national budget to agriculture almost every year since 2003. Most of these expenditures have been allocated to support the production of cotton, one of the country’s main exports, through input subsidies and minimum prices to producers. However, a large portion of the country’s agricultural investments as well as social safety net programmes remain heavily dependent on donor funding. For more country policy briefs by FAPDA please see here.



To LEAP out of poverty. Impacts of social protection in Ghana

The video shows the results and impacts the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) programme is having in Ghana. LEAP is a cash transfer programme for the poorest families in Ghana to reduce poverty and enhance long term human development. LEAP is managed by Ghana's Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection. The University of North Carolina and the Institute for Statistical, Social and Economic Research at the University of Ghana carried out the impact evaluation, in conjunction with UNICEF and FAO's PtoP team.

Case study


Review of Food and Agricultural Policies in Malawi. Country Report 2014

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and its national, regional and international partners are committed to monitoring and analysingfood and agricultural policies (MAFAP) in order to provide policy-makers in developing countries, as well as their development partners and other stakeholders in civil society, with the best possible information on the effects of policies and public expenditure influencing agricultural investment decisions and ultimately foodsecurity. Furthermore, MAFAP supports governments in their efforts to identify, articulate and assess options for reforming food and agriculture policies. MAFAPworks with national and regional partners to: establish a community of practice on policy [...]



Making Economic Corridors Work for the Agricultural Sector

Developing countries are increasingly using agrocorridors to develop their agricultural sectors. These corridors promote inclusive agribusiness growth, building on a linear agglomeration of people and activities along existing transportation infrastructure. Based on initiatives in Central Asia, the Greater Mekong Subregion, Indonesia, Mozambique, Peru and the United Republic of Tanzania, this report shows how agrocorridors help improve physical connectivity and functioning of markets, while generating economies of scale in agriculture. Agrocorridors do this because they integrate public and private investments in “hardware” (transport and agribusiness infrastructure), “software” (policy and regulatory framework) and “orgware” (institutional strengthening and capacity building). The goal of [...]



Political Economy Analysis. Topic Guide

GSDRC Topic Guides aim to provide a clear, concise and objective report on findings from rigorous research on critical areas of development policy. Rather than provide policy guidance or recommendations, their purpose is to inform policymakers and practitioners of the key debates and evidence on the topic of focus, to support informed decision-making. This topic guide provides pointers to some of the key literature on political economy analysis and evidence of its impact on aid effectiveness in different contexts. It includes examples of analyses at country, sector and programme level.



Situation des forêts du monde 2014. Mieux tirer parti des avantages socioéconomiques des forêts

La Situation des forêts du monde 2014 regroupe et analyse les données existantes afin d’évaluer la part qui est celle des forêts dans les ressources mobilisées par les êtres humains pour subvenir à leurs besoins essentiels: alimentation, santé, logement, énergie. Le rapport examine les mesures déjà prises par certains pays pour promouvoir les avantages socioéconomiques tirés des forêts et, surtout, il passe en revue les domaines où l’information doit être améliorée et les politiques ajustées pour qu’il soit possible de mieux exploiter ces avantages.



Situation des forêts du monde 2016

Stabilisateurs des sols et du climat, régulateurs des cours d’eau, dispensateurs d’ombrage et d’abris ainsi que d’un habitat pour les pollinisateurs et les ennemis naturels des ravageurs d’importance agricole, les forêts et les arbres sous-tendent la durabilité de l’agriculture. Source appréciable de nourriture, d’énergie et de revenu, ils contribuent également à la sécurité alimentaire de centaines de millions de personnes. L’agriculture demeure cependant le principal moteur de la déforestation dans le monde, et les politiques agricoles, forestières et foncières sont souvent en conflit les unes avec les autres. La Situation des forêts du monde 2016 montre, exemples à l’appui (Costa Rica, [...]

Issue paper


Promoting Economic Diversification and Decent Rural Employment Towards Greater Resilience to Food Price Volatility

The poor are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of high and volatile food prices. Available evidence, while not conclusive, indicates that both urban and rural poor, including poor farmers, are particularly exposed because they are typically net buyers of food (Ivanic and Martin, 2008). Food accounts for as much as three-quarters of the expenditures of poor households in some countries.