Peste des petits ruminants


SMALL RUMINANT POPULATION (goat-sheep): 5.199.335 - 6.081.341
EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SITUATION FIRST/LAST OUTBREAK: Many outbreaks have been registered from 2005 to 2016 mainly around 5/9 per year with exception for 2008 in which 28 outbreaks were registered in the country.
CONTROL ACTIVITIES: 600.000 doses of vaccine effectively inoculated in the past few years.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Based on agro-ecological parameters husbandry system is divided in: a transhumant pastoral system located north (35% small ruminant); an agro-pastoral system in centre and south based on extensive farming model (62% small ruminant) and an intensive urban and peri-urban livestock farming (3% small ruminant).