Peste des petits ruminants

Programme framework

COMPONENT 1: Promoting an enabling environment and reinforcing veterinary capacities
Building the right environment for implementing the PPR GEP requires a logical and structured framework for action, the full support and involvement of farmers and herders, an adapted legal framework, and strengthened VS.

The PPR GEP will support efforts to better understand the presence (or possibly the absence) of PPR in a country or region, its distribution among the different farming systems and, ultimately, its impact on these systems. This requires an assessment of the epidemiological situation and the establishment of a functional surveillance system. The programme will support regional laboratory and epidemiology networks in better coordination and exchange of information.

COMPONENT 2: Support to the diagnostic and surveillance systems
The PPR GEP will support efforts to better understand the presence (or possibly the absence) of PPR in a country or region, its distribution among the different farming systems and, ultimately, its impact on these systems. This requires an assessment of the epidemiological situation and the establishment of a functional surveillance system. The programme will support regional laboratory and epidemiology networks in better coordination and exchange of information.

COMPONENT 3: Measures supporting PPR eradication
As set out in the PPR GCES, measures that support PPR eradication include vaccination, improved biosecurity, animal identification, movement control, quarantine and stamping out. These various tools are likely to be applied at different levels of intensity as a country moves towards PPR-free status.

COMPONENT 4: Coordination and management
The success of the PPR GEP requires effective global, regional and national coordination mechanisms.