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A Vegetable Garden for All

Manual “A Vegetable Garden for All" 5th edition

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    Book (stand-alone)
    A garden for everyone 2006
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    "A garden for everyone", is a vegetable cropself tutorial manual prepared by the Regional Officeof the FAO for Latin America and the Caribbean,to support the Technical Cooperation Network forthe Production of Vegetables Crops.The aim of this work is to implement accuratevegetable growing methods for family consumption.It is aimed at small farmers, rural schools teachers,children, urban and suburban residents who canaccess small land surfaces.Better nutrition and income can be achievedthrough fam ily participation in the production ofvegetables crops.The first edition, dated 1990, has successfullyserved programs, institutions and groups of smallfarmers. The second edition (2002) focused onthe need to increase food security and to balancethe nutrition of farmers and periurban residentsliving in poor conditions. The translation in toEnglish allows an inter-regional cooperation amonginstitutions and groups from different continents.
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    The Place of Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture (UPA) in National FOOD Security Programmes 2011
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    Urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) is an important component of FAO’s Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS). UPA is a spontaneous response to the increased demand for food linked to urban population expansion, which is more pronounced in developing countries as a result of high birth rates and immigration from rural areas. The rate of population growth is linked to the fast expansion of urban slum areas, with high levels of unemployment, food insecurity and malnutrition. Such rapid urba nization engendering the harsh reality of urban poverty requires adapted strategies to ensure adequate access to food for all in a context of escalating levels of urban food insecurity together with its adverse health and social consequences. During the last 15 years, FAO has gained considerable experience in a wide range of countries in several continents in the application of UPA technologies under the SPFS. This paper was compiled to capitalize on the lessons learned and to illustrate how UPA has become a key component of the SPFS, targeting improved food security and diet diversification of the urban poor. The paper recalls the current reality of the urbanization process and addresses the opportunities and constraints of UPA as a means to improving access to fresh and high quality food products for the urban poor thereby contributing to the achievement of Millennium Development Goal 1. A review is made of selected FAO field interventions and sample success stories. On the basis of the experience gained to date, a framework for the formulation of a UPA support strategy is proposed based on key issues to be addressed by central and local government authorities.
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    Resilient Livelihoods for Agriculture and Food and Nutrition Security in Areas Affected by the Syria Crisis 2014
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    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is closely monitoring the impact of the Syria crisis on food security, nutrition, agriculture and livelihoods in Syria and neighbouring Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt. Assessments carried out across the affected subregion indicate that threats to food security and livelihoods are severe and growing steadily. In addition to rendering over half of Syrians poor and nearly a third food insecure, the crisis is eroding the ver y foundations of food and livelihood security in what was once a middle-income country, with a relatively high employment rate (92 percent) and growing agriculture sector. Syria’s food chain is disintegrating – from production to markets – and entire livelihood systems are collapsing. The conflict also is severely affecting economic, social and human development in neighbouring countries. With most of Syria’s 2.6 million refugees living outside of camps, host communities face intense competition for resources such as land, water and income opportunities, while costs for housing, food and other commodities soar. The humanitarian appeals for Syria and neighbouring countries are the largest in history: USD 4.4 billion in 2013 and USD 6.5 billion in 2014. As the crisis shows no sign of abating, a resilience-based approach is proving ever more crucial to meet immediate needs while helping affected populations – and the systems which support them – better absorb, adapt and recover from curr ent and future shocks emanating from the crisis. Such an approach, combining emergency and development efforts, is indispensable in the context of food and livelihood security. Behind each family pushed into poverty and hunger, systems are collapsing which need to be protected, restored and strengthened. A holistic approach is needed not only to deliver crisisaffected populations from aid dependency, but also to prevent hunger and poverty from increasing and becoming endemic. FAO’s “Resilient Livelihoods for Agriculture and Food and Nutrition Security in Areas Affected by the Syria Crisis” is a five-year Subregional Strategy and Action Plan, budgeted at USD 280 million – just over a tenth of the value of agricultural losses suffered in Syria by 2012. The Strategy is a dynamic document developed over the course of agricultural programming missions to the subregion in late 2013 and early 2014, which build on rapid agricultural livelihood and food security impact assessments and initia l response plans prepared during the first quarter of 2013. With the aim to protect, restore and strengthen livelihoods and the agro-ecosystems on which livelihoods depend, the Strategy tailors short-, medium- and longer-term actions to address specific needs of the main groups affected by the crisis, including Syrian internally displaced persons (IDPs) and affected populations, refugees, returnees, host communities and national and local authorities. Activities focus on seven priority areas, which can be broadly categorized as: (i) control of transboundary animal diseases (TADs); (ii) control of plant pests and diseases; (iii) food security and natural resource information systems, disaster risk management and policy development; (iv) rural and peri-urban income generation and employment; (v) agricultural production; (vi) natural resource management; and (vii) food safety and nutrition. The Strategy aligns with national government priorities and existing regional frameworks for add ressing the Syria crisis and calls for close partnership with affected communities, national institutions, United Nations (UN) agencies, non-state actors and private-sector organizations. Agriculture cannot be an afterthought. Affected populations in the subregion need effective responses to the challenges threatening their food security and livelihoods. A resilience-based approach delivers this, while better preserving the integrity of lives, livelihoods, natural resources and critical develop ment gains achieved over the past decades.

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