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EU Transversal support to country implementation - Colombia

Promotion and incorporation of land governance guidelines with local communities living in protected areas and their surrounding zones of influence

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    Support transversal de l'UE à la mise en oeuvre dans les pays - Colombie
    Promotion et intégration des directives de gouvernance foncière auprès des communautés locales vivant dans des zones protégées et leurs zones d’influence environnantes
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    En 2012, le Gouvernement national a signé «l’accord de prospérité»(Acuerdo para la Prosperidad n°79), qui vise à conserver et à utiliser durablement le patrimoine naturel et culturel du pays et à créer un espace de dialogue entre les institutions gouvernementales et les délégations paysannes. Tout ceci vise à faire face aux nombreux problèmes socio-environnementaux qui existent dans les parcs naturels et les zones protégées environnantes. Entre 2012 et 2015, 92 46191 hectares de forêt ont été transformés, tandis qu’en 2018, 60 pour cent de la superficie totale des parcs naturels nationaux (PNN) étaient sous occupation. Cependant, plus de 90 pour cent des municipalités à l’intérieur des parcs nationaux sont maintenant engagées dans le processus de consolidation de la paix. Elles soutiennent également des territoires où les économies paysannes étaient historiquement associées à des activités illégales d’utilisation des terres (y compris des cultures illicites). Le Programme de l’Union Europeenne sur la gouvernance foncière - mise en oeuvre par pays (PUEGF MP (EULGP CI pour ses sigles en anglais)) vise à renforcer la gouvernance responsable dans les aires protégées nationales et leurs zones d’influence afin de réduire les conflits liés aux régimes fonciers et à l’utilisation des terres, ainsi qu’a promouvoir la compréhension et l’utilisation des DV par les communautés locales vivant dans ces zones.
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    EU Transversal support to country implementation - Ethiopia
    Support to Responsible Agricultural Investment (S2RAI) in Ethiopia
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    The Government of Ethiopia strives for increased agricultural production through the modernization and commercialization of the agricultural sector. All land is administered by the state. Large proportions of the land have not yet been developed. However, for the last few years small holders received de facto land ownership through the land certification program. The EULGP CI S2RAI assists the Government of Ethiopia in addressing and removing human and institutional constraints for providing adequate systems. The overall objective is to contribute to improved food and nutrition security by promoting secure land tenure and responsible agricultural investments. The programme aims to establish a conducive and transparent environment for responsible agricultural investments (RAI) while securing the rights of the resident population. Such an environment will ensure that agricultural investments are successful in bringing about the desired developmental effects and in avoiding negative impacts on the surrounding people and nature. *EULGP CI stands for European Union Land Governance Programme – Country Implementation
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    EU Transversal support to country implementation - Pakistan
    Improved Land Tenancy in Sindh
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    More than 75 percent of Pakistan’s poor live in rural areas. The distribution of assets in rural areas is highly skewed, particularly with regard to access to land and water. This has resulted in high chronic rural poverty which has grown in recent years due to slow agricultural growth as well as the damage and losses to crops and livestock caused by natural disasters over the past decade. In 2012, it was estimated that 7.74 million people were employed in rural areas, the majority of them working as landless sharecroppers (i.e. peasants and tenants – known as “haris”) and wage workers on farms. About 20-40 percent of rural households are reported to be landless or near landless. Poverty is highly correlated with landlessness and is seen as contributing to political and social instability. Repeated government attempts to address inequality of access to land and tenure insecurity have largely failed to transform the system. Insecure land tenure, coupled with poor forest, fisheries and water policy management, have led to increasing degradation of land. Injudicious water use has led to waterlogging in some areas, while poor water distribution has created disputes. The lack of on-farm water management has caused water scarcity in other areas, lowering the profitability of land, the incentive to invest in complementary inputs and acute issues of drought and salinity.

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