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Global goals, localized action. Celebrating 40 years in Egypt

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    Celebrating 40 Years of Country Representations in the Near East and North Africa
    40 Years Young and Still Growing
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    In the Near East and North Africa (NENA) region, nine country representations are commemorating their 40th anniversary between 2017 and 2019: Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, the Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Throughout the past 40 years, FAO has been committed to long-term sustainable development in the region, in cooperation with host country governments. This photo album will take you through the journey of FAO's work in the field as well as its policy-level achievements.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    The long-term future of livestock and fishery in Egypt
    Production targets in the face of uncertainty
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    Egypt's society and economy will grow swiftly and transform extensively in the next three decades. Along this transformative process, the demand for animal source food will exponentially increase and livestock is likely to become the most important sector of agriculture. In order to be prepared to take action to ensure sustainable livestock production and value chains in 2050, this report provides hints fo the feasible future scenarios for livestock in the coutry and how to be prepared to ensure sustaible livestock production. This report portrays country possibile livestock futures: it sheds light on emerging challenges and uncertain disruptive events associated with a transformed livestock sector, and identifies priority areas for action to take today for a sustainable livestock in the long-term.
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    Evaluation of FAO’s Contribution to the Arab Republic of Egypt 2012-2017
    Country programme evaluation series - Final Report
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    Egypt experienced instable political situation during the past years. As a result, its food security was heavily affected. FAO’s programme focused on sustainable agricultural development for food security and nutrition. Enhancing food security also requires addressing socio-economic aspects, particularly the role of women. With FAO support, the Law Governing Agricultural Cooperatives was reformed to revive its function, reducing the control of the government and collaborating with the private sector. This was critical for extending effective support to small farmers. Animal health and disease control was up-scaled to reduce the threat to the livelihoods. Wheat sector was reviewed, and the reforms will start with the local bread (Baladi) production. The 1.5 Million Feddan Programme, to which FAO provided policy advice, is shaping the agricultural development of the land. Throughout the country programme however, the role of women in food security was not sufficiently considered and the project design was not systematically gender-mainstreamed. In the future, FAO could focus more on policy advice and food-security reform initiatives.

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