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Land degradation neutrality for water security and combatting drought

Briefing Note

UNCCD and FAO. 2020. Land Degradation Neutrality for Water Security and Combatting Drought. Bonn, Germany

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    Building resilience to cope with climate change in Jordan through improving water use efficiency in the agriculture sector بناء القدرة على التكيف مع تغير المناخ في الأردن من خلال تحسين كفاءة استخدام المياه في قطاع الزراعة 2023
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    Jordan is one of the most water scarce countries in the world and climate change is threatening the livelihoods of thousands of people who depend on agriculture for their well-being. Climate change induced hazards such as droughts, extreme temperatures and flash floods have almost tripled in the country since the 1980s, compared to a doubling worldwide, exposing the population to loss of life, livelihoods and property. This factsheet will give the reader a breief about this project, valued at USD 33.25 million, which specifically targets four Governorates in the Dead Sea Basin – Karak, Madaba, Talifah and Ma’an – which are particularly vulnerable to climate change and climate-induced water stress. The 840 900 inhabitants of these areas are heavily dependent on rainfed agriculture, have high poverty rates among the rural population, and have insufficient know-how and resources to adapt to a changing climate. In line with the objectives of Jordan’s climate change policy (2013–2020) and the National Adaptation Plan (2020), project investments are expected to reach 212 416 people (47% of whom are women), reduce groundwater overdraft by 3% to 3.5%, and contribute up to 4.5% to the water management goals in the National Water Strategy. يعد الأردن أحد أكثر البلدان ندرة في المياه في العالم، ويهدد تغير المناخ سبل عيش الآلاف من الأشخاص الذين يعتمدون على الزراعة في رفاهيتهم. وقد تضاعفت المخاطر الناجمة عن تغير المناخ مثل الجفاف ودرجات الحرارة القصوى والفيضانات المفاجئة ثلاث مرات تقريبًا في البلاد منذ الثمانينيات، مقارنة بتضاعفها في جميع أنحاء العالم، مما يعرض السكان لخسائر في الأرواح وسبل العيش والممتلكات. ستعطي نشرة الحقائق هذه للقارئ نبذة مختصرة عن هذا المشروع، الذي تبلغ قيمته 33.25 مليون دولار أمريكي، والذي يستهدف على وجه التحديد أربع محافظات في حوض البحر الميت - الكرك ومادبا والطليفة ومعان - المعرضة بشكل خاص لتغير المناخ والتأثيرات المناخية. ضغط الماء. ويعتمد سكان هذه المناطق البالغ عددهم 840900 نسمة اعتمادا كبيرا على الزراعة البعلية، وترتفع معدلات الفقر بين سكان الريف، وليس لديهم ما يكفي من الدراية والموارد للتكيف مع تغير المناخ. وتماشياً مع أهداف سياسة الأردن بشأن تغير المناخ (2013-2020) والخطة الوطنية للتكيف (2020)، من المتوقع أن تصل استثمارات المشروع إلى 212416 شخصاً (47% منهم نساء)، وتقليل السحب على المياه الجوفية بنسبة 3% إلى 3.5%. %، والمساهمة بما يصل إلى 4.5% في أهداف إدارة المياه في الاستراتيجية الوطنية للمياه.
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    FAO's work in water - Publications and outreach 2022
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    By 2050, the world needs to produce an estimated 50 percent more food than in 2012 to ensure global food security, and it must do so while conserving and enhancing the natural resource base. Water is a major input and environmental condition in the provision of food – from production in the field through all the steps in the supply chain. Water is also required to meet personal and household needs, for energy and industrial production, and to maintain important water-depen-dent ecosystems and their services. With demand and competition for water on the rise, however, the planet’s water resources are under unprecedented stress due to climate change, pollution, and poor governance. Agriculture holds the key to successfully achieving the objectives and aspirations articulated in the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Post-202 Global Biodiversity Framework under finalization. It is also crucial to the livelihoods ofover500 million smallholder farmers and rural communities worldwide. Countries have identified agriculture as a major sector of intervention in their nationally determined contributions (NDC) to the mitigation of climate change, and many have placed water at the top of the list for envisaged adaptation measures. This booklet presents FAO's work on water, in particular all water-related publications and outreach products developed by the FAO Land and Water Division.
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    Informing Water-Energy-Water nexus decisions: the integrated WEF nexus model of Jordan 2022
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    Due to the water shortage in Jordan, the safe water abstraction yields are often exceeded. Groundwater extractions require large amounts of energy, due to the decreasing water table levels of almost all aquifers in the country. Therefore, around 14.9 percent of the supplied electricity is consumed by water pumping and other water services. Moreover, additional energy requirements will be needed to deal with an expanding water supply through desalination and wastewater treatment.The agriculture sector accounts for the largest share of water demand (around 52 percent), where again, groundwater is the main source. Furthermore, as a consequence of its water-scarce nature, Jordan faces increasing food insecurity being forced to import around 87 percent of its food. Achieving sustainable water-energy-food (WEF) resources security requires developing safe operational boundaries of water use defining the conditions for water sustainability in Jordan. These boundaries were defined using a Water-Food-Energy-Climate-Ecosystems Nexus analytical framework that was highly stakeholder-driven, combined with quantitative and qualitative methods developed by the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). In this flyer, the reader will be able to know the methodology used to develop WEF NEXUS model, scenario analysis, results and key findings.

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