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Forest and Farm Facility. Country factsheet


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    Forest and Farm Facility. Country factsheet
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    This facsheets gives some highlights of the impact of FFF support in Nepal, as well as some major achievements by the numbers, and some lessons learnt. Summary of the impact: • Policy outcomes were influenced by Forest and Farm Producer Organizations (FFPOs) with important implications for improving livelihoods and forest sustainability through direct dialogues supported by Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) between FFPOs and the government. • FFPO enterprises improved capacity to manage finances and demonstrate their economic viability, leading to increased investment and access to finance — particularly for women. • Greater economic empowerment among women entrepreneurs, demonstrating new skills and confidence in their abilities as business managers. This was evident when negotiating credit access from financial institutions, despite facing traditional challenges such as lack of ownership of assets for collateral purposes. • Entrepreneurship and investment catalyzed for women’s enterprises through alliance of FFPOs. FNCSI’s Central Women Entrepreneurs Committee (CWEC) took central role in successfully lobbying for establishment of the Women Entrepreneurs Development Fund within the Ministry of Industry.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Forest and Farm Facility. Country factsheet
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    This facsheets gives some highlights of the impact of FFF support in Bolivia, as well as some major achievements by the numbers, and some lessons learnt. Impact: An investment incentive programme of more than USD 30 million available for smallholder coffee FFPOs over next five years created through policy engagements between coffee producers, via the National Association of Coffee Producers (ANPROCA), and government. Coffee, Cacao and Amazonian Technical Roundtable created by FFF; involves relevant FFPOs and the Ministry of Rural Development and Lands. This technical/policy platform will drive future Bolivian ‘Programme of Integrated Development for the Amazon’.
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    Forest and Farm Facility Summary Report (2012-2017)
    Putting Producers First Works
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    The first Phase of the FFF (from December 2012 to December 2017) has focused on strengthening FFPOs as a primary unit, delivering major impacts through support to 937 FFPOs on the ground in 10 countries: Bolivia, Guatemala, Liberia, Kenya, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, The Gambia, Vietnam and Zambia. It has also engaged with producers and their organizations and government in 25 additional countries through exchange visits, south-south cooperation, regional and global conferences and direct support to a number of regional and global federations of forest and farm producers. FFF support has directly reached 947 FFPOs: three global, three regional, 10 national and 931 local or provincial (comprising 21-79 percent women depending on country/region) and indirect support to many hundreds more. In total these FFPOs represent more than 30 million forest and farm producers. FFF has facilitated the establishment of (or greater FFPO representation) in 51 policy platforms at national or regional level.

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