الحق في الغذاء حول العالم

اختر مستوى الاعتراف الدستوري

من أجل العثور على العناصر التي تبحث عنها، يمكن إجراء عمليات البحث عن طريق معايير مختلفة: حسب الدولة أو نوع الاعتراف الدستوري، حيث يمكن اختيار أكثر من نوع.

الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي
الحماية الضمنية للحق في الغذاء الكافي
المبادئ التوجيهية لسياسة الدولة
الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية
الأحكام الأخرى ذات الصلة بإعمال الحق في الغذاء الكافي
تم العثور على 29 دولة


الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 48: “Everyone shall have the right to a standard of living sufficient for themselves and their families including adequate nutrition, clothing, and housing.”

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 9: “International treaties in force, consented by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as binding, shall be an integral part of the national legislation of Ukraine.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 3.2: “Human rights and freedoms, and guarantees thereof shall determine the essence and course of activities of the State. The State shall be responsible to the individual for its activities. Affirming and ensuring human rights and freedoms shall be the main duty of the State.”

Article 46: “Citizens shall have the right to social protection including the right to financial security in cases of complete, partial, or temporary disability, loss of the principal wage-earner, unemployment due to circumstances beyond their control, old age, and in other cases determined by law. This right shall be guaranteed by the mandatory state social insurance based on insurance payments made by citizens, enterprises, institutions, and organisations, as well as by budgetary and other sources of social security; and by establishing a network of state, communal, and private institutions caring for incapacitated persons. 
Pensions and other types of social payments and assistance that are the principal sources of subsistence shall ensure a standard of living not lower than the minimum living standard established by law.”


الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 13: “Persons and community groups have the right to safe and permanent access to healthy, sufficient and nutritional food, preferably produced locally and in keeping with their various identities and cultural traditions. The Ecuadorian State shall promote food sovereignty.”

Article 32: "Health is a right guaranteed by the State and whose fulfillment is linked to the exercise of other rights, among which the right to water, food, education, sports, work, social security, healthy environments and others that support the good way of living. The State shall guarantee this right by means of economic, social, cultural, educational, and environmental policies; and the permanent, timely and non-exclusive access to programs, actions and services promoting and providing integral healthcare, sexual health, and reproductive health. The provision of healthcare services shall be governed by the principles of equity, universality, solidarity, interculturalism, quality, efficiency, effectiveness, prevention, and bioethics, with a gender and generational approach."

Article 45:  "Children and adolescents shall enjoy the rights that are common to all human beings, in addition to those that are specific to their age. The State shall recognize and guarantee life, including care and protection from the time of conception. Children and adolescents have the right to physical and psychological integrity; to an identity, name and citizenship; to integral health and nutrition; to education and culture, sports, and recreation; to social security, to have a family and enjoy peaceful coexistence with family and community; to social participation; to respect for their freedom and dignity; to be consulted in matters affecting them; to be educated as a priority in their own language and in the cultural context of their own people and nation; and to receive information about their parents or absent relatives, unless it is harmful to their well-being."

Article 66: “The following rights of persons are recognized and guaranteed:[...]
2. The right to a decent life that ensures health, food and nutrition, clean water, housing, environmental sanitation, education, work, employment, rest and leisure, sports, clothing, social security and other necessary social services”

المبادئ التوجيهية لسياسة الدولة

Article 3: “The State's prime duties are:
1. Guaranteeing without any discrimination whatsoever the true possession of the rights set forth in the Constitution and in international instruments, especially the rights to education, health, food, social security and water for its inhabitants.[...]

5. Planning national development, eliminating poverty, and promoting sustainable development and the equitable redistribution of resources and wealth to enable access to the good way of living.” 

Article 281: “Food sovereignty is a strategic objective and an obligation of the State in order to ensure that persons, communities, peoples and nations achieve self-sufficiency with respect to healthy and culturally appropriate food on a permanent basis. [...]”

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 10: “Persons, communities, peoples, nations and communities are bearers of rights and shall enjoy the rights guaranteed to them in the Constitution and in international instruments. [...]”

Article 417: “The international treaties ratified by Ecuador shall be subject to the provisions set forth in the Constitution. In the case of treaties and other international instruments for human rights, principles for the benefit of the human being, the nonrestriction of rights, direct applicability, and the open clause as set forth in the Constitution shall be applied.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 33: “Work is a right and a social duty, as well as an economic right, source of personal fulfillment and the basis for the economy. The State shall guarantee full respect for the dignity of working persons, a decent life, fair pay and retribution, and performance of a healthy job that is freely chosen and accepted.“

Article 42: “All arbitrary displacement is forbidden. Persons who have been displaced shall have the right to receive protection and emergency humanitarian aid from the authorities, ensuring access to food, shelter, housing, and medical and health services. [...]”

Article 46: “The State shall adopt, among others, the following measures that safeguard children and adolescents:1. Care for children under six years of age that guarantees their nutrition, health, education and dairy care in a framework of integral protection of their rights. [...]”

Article 51: “Imprisoned persons are recognized the following rights: [...] 5. Care for their education, labor, productive, cultural, food and recreational needs.”

Article 66: “The following rights of persons are recognized and guaranteed: [...] 2. The right to a decent life that ensures health, food and nutrition, clean water, housing, environmental sanitation, education, work, employment, rest and leisure, sports, clothing, social security and other necessary social services.”


الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 6: “Education, health, food, work, housing, transportation, leisure, security, social security, protection of motherhood and childhood, and assistance to the destitute are social rights, as set forth by this Constitution.”

Art. 6º: "São direitos sociais a educação, a saúde, a alimentação, o trabalho, a moradia, o transporte, o lazer, a segurança, a previdência social, a proteção à maternidade e à infância, a assistência aos desamparados, na forma desta Constituição."

المبادئ التوجيهية لسياسة الدولة

Article 208: “The National Government's duty towards education shall be effectuated through the guarantees of (…) VII. educational assistance in all stages of basic education by means of supplemental programs of school books, teaching materials, transportation, nutrition and health care."

Art 208: “O dever do Estado com a educação será efetivado mediante a garantia de:[...] VII - atendimento ao educando, em todas as etapas da educação básica, por meio de programas suplementares de material didáticoescolar, transporte, alimentação e assistência à saúde."


Article 227: “It is the duty of the family, the society and the Government to assure children and adolescents, with absolute priority, the rights to life, health, nourishment, education, leisure, professional training, culture, dignity, respect, liberty and family and community harmony, in addition to safeguarding them against all forms of negligence, discrimination, exploitation, violence, cruelty and oppression.”

Art. 227:  "É dever da família, da sociedade e do Estado assegurar à criança, ao adolescente e ao jovem, com absoluta prioridade, o direito à vida, à saúde, à alimentação, à educação, ao lazer, à profissionalização, à cultura, à dignidade, ao respeito, à liberdade e à convivência familiar e comunitária, além de colocá-los a salvo de toda forma de negligência, discriminação, exploração, violência, crueldade e opressão."

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 5: ". The rules defining fundamental rights and guarantees apply immediately. . The rights and guarantees established in this Constitution do not exclude others derived from the regime and principles adopted by it, or from international treaties to which the Federative Republic of Brazil is a party. International treaties and conventions on human rights approved by both houses of the National Congress, in two different voting sessions, by three-fifths votes of their respective members, shall be equivalent to Constitutional Amendments."

Art. 5: "1°. As normas definidoras dos direitos e garantias fundamentais têm aplicação imediata. Os direitos e garantias expressos nesta Constituição não excluem outros decorrentes do regime e dos princípios por ela adotados, ou dos tratados internacionais em que a República Federativa do Brasil seja parte.  Os tratados e convenções internacionais sobre direitos humanos que forem aprovados, em cada Casa do Congresso Nacional, em dois turnos, por três quintos dos votos dos respectivos membros, serão equivalentes às emendas constitucionais."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 7: “The following are rights of urban and rural workers, among others that aim to improve their social conditions: 
IV – nationally unified minimum monthly wage, established by law, capable of satisfying their basic living needs and those of their families with housing, food, education, health, leisure, clothing, hygiene, transportation, and social security, with periodical adjustments to maintain its purchasing power, it being forbidden to use it as an index for any purpose;”

Art. 7º: “São direitos dos trabalhadores urbanos e rurais, além de outros que visem à melhoria de sua condição social: IV - salário mínimo , fixado em lei, nacionalmente unificado, capaz de atender a suas necessidades vitais básicas e às de sua família com moradia, alimentação, educação, saúde, lazer, vestuário, higiene, transporte e previdência social, com reajustes periódicos que lhe preservem o poder aquisitivo, sendo vedada sua vinculação para qualquer fim;"


الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article XV:
Section 3. The State shall defend:
(2) The right of children to assistance, including proper care and nutrition, and special protection from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation and other conditions prejudicial to their development.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article II: 
Section 9. The State shall promote a just and dynamic social order that will ensure the prosperity and independence of the nation and free the people from poverty through policies that provide adequate social services, promote full employment, a rising standard of living, and an improved quality of life for all.

Section 11. The State values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for human rights.”

Article XIII: 
Section 3. It shall guarantee the rights of all workers […] shall be entitled to security of tenure, humane conditions of work, and a living wage.

Article XV: 
Section 3. The State shall defend: 
(3) The right of the family to a family living wage and income.”


الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 12: "Each one has the right to life, to health, to physical and moral integrity, to a healthy and sufficient food supply, to potable water, to education and instruction in the conditions specified by the law.[...]"

المبادئ التوجيهية لسياسة الدولة

Article 146: "The action of the State in matters of the policies of economic and social development is supported by a strategic vision. The State makes of the creation of wealth, of growth and of the fight against inequality a major axis of its interventions. The public policies must promote food supply sovereignty, durable development, the access to all to social services as well as the improvement of the quality of life."

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 171: "The treaties or agreements regularly ratified have, from their publication, an authority superior to that of the laws, subject to, for each agreement or treaty of its application by the other party"


الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 4: “[...] All individuals have the right to nutritional, sufficient and quality nourishment. The State shall guarantee this. [..] The State, in all decisions it makes and all actions it carries out, will safeguard and comply with the principle of doing what is in the best interest of children, thus entirely guaranteeing their rights. Boys and girls have the right to having their nutritional, health, educational and recreational needs satisfied for their proper development. This principle should guide the design, enforcement, following up and evaluation of the public policies focused on childhood. [...]” 


الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Artículo 1: “In the United Mexican States, all individuals shall be entitled to the human rights granted by this Constitution and the international treaties signed by the Mexican State [...]"

"The provisions relating to human rights shall be interpreted according to this Constitution and the international treaties on the subject, working in favor of the broader protection of people at all times. [...]”

Article 133: "This Constitution, the laws derived from and enacted by the Congress of the Union, and all the treaties made and execute by the President of the Republic, with the approval of the Senate, shall be the supreme law of the country. The judges of each state shall observe the Constitution, the laws derived from it and the treaties, despite any contradictory provision that may appear in the constitutions or laws of the states."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Artículo 27.XX: “The State shall provide good conditions to achieve total development in rural communities, for the purpose of creating jobs, guaranteeing welfare of the peasant population and their participation in national development.  […] The comprehensive and sustainable rural development referred to in the previous paragraph shall also include, among its aims that the State shall guarantee the sufficient and timely supply of basic nourishment established by law.”


الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 54: "Of the Protection of the Child - The family, the society, and the State have the obligation of guaranteeing the child his harmonious and complete [integral] development, as well as the full exercise of his rights, protecting him against abandonment, undernourishment, violence, abuse, trafficking, and exploitation. Any person may demand of the competent authority the fulfillment of such guarantees and the sanction for the offenders [infractores]. In case of conflict, the rights of a child have prevailing character.

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 137: “The supreme law of the Republic is the Constitution. [The Constitution], the treaties, conventions and international agreements approved and ratified, the laws dictated by the Congress and other juridical provisions of inferior hierarchy, sanctioned in consequence, integrate the positive national law [derecho positivo] in the enounced order of preference [prelación]. Whoever attempts to change that order, outside [al margen de] the procedures specified in this Constitution, would incur in the crimes that will be classified and punished in the law. This Constitution will not lose its force or stop being observed because of acts of force nor may [it] be abrogated [derogada] by any other means different from the ones it provides [dispone]. All the provisions or acts of authority opposed to that established in this Constitution lack validity [validez]."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 57: "Of the Senior Citizens [Tercera Edad] - All senior persons have the right to a complete [integral] protection. The family, the society, and the public powers will promote their well-being through social services that see to [fulfilling] their needs for food, health, housing, culture, and leisure.

Article 92: "Of the Remuneration of the Work - The workers have right to enjoy a remuneration that assures, them and their families, of a free and dignifying life. The law will consecrate the minimum and mobile living wage [salario vital], the annual year-end bonus [aguinaldo], the family bonuses, the recognition of a superior salary to the basic for hours of [a] unsanitary or risky work, and the extraordinary, night and holiday hours. Basically, equal salary for equal work corresponds."

Article 176: "Of the Economic Policy and of the Promotion of Development - The economic policy will have as goals [fines], fundamentally, the promotion of the economic, social and cultural development. The State shall promote economic development through the rational use of the available resources, with the objective of stimulating [impulsar] an orderly and sustained growth of the economy, of creating new sources of jobs and of wealth, of increasing the national patrimony and of assuring the well-being of the population. Development will be promoted with global programs that coordinate and orient the national economic activity."


الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 21: “Safeguarding the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Republic of Belarus shall be the supreme goal of the State. Everyone has the right to a decent standard of living, including appropriate food, clothing, housing and a continuous improvement of conditions necessary to attain this. The State shall guarantee the rights and freedoms of citizens of Belarus that are enshrined in the Constitution and laws, and specified by the State's international obligations.”

Артыкул 21: "Забеспячэнне правоў i свабод грамадзян Рэспублiкi Беларусь з'яўляецца найвышэйшай мэтай дзяржавы. Кожны мае права на годны ўзровень жыцця, уключаючы дастатковае харчаванне, адзенне, жыллё i пастаяннае паляпшэнне неабходных для гэтага ўмоў. Дзяржава гарантуе правы i свабоды грамадзян Беларусi, замацаваныя ў Канстытуцыi, законах i прадугледжаныя мiжнароднымi абавязацельствамi дзяржавы."

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 8: “The Republic of Belarus shall recognize the supremacy of the universally acknowledged principles of international law and ensure that its laws comply with such principles. The Republic of Belarus in conformity with principles of international law may on a voluntary basis enter interstate formations and withdraw from them. The conclusion of international treaties that are contrary to the Constitution shall not be permitted.”

Артыкул 8: "Рэспублiка Беларусь прызнае прыярытэт агульнапрызнаных прынцыпаў мiжнароднага права i забяспечвае адпаведнасць iм заканадаўства. Рэспублiка Беларусь у адпаведнасцi з нормамi мiжнароднага права можа на добраахвотнай аснове ўваходзiць у мiждзяржаўныя ўтварэннi i выходзiць з iх. Hе дапускаецца заключэнне мiжнародных дагавораў, якiя супярэчаць Канстытуцыi."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 2: “The individual, his rights, freedoms and guarantees to secure them are the supreme value and goal of the society and the State. The State shall bear responsibility towards the citizen to create the conditions for the free and dignified development of his identity. The citizen bears a responsibility towards the State to discharge unwaveringly the duties imposed upon him by the Constitution.”

Артыкул 2: "Чалавек, яго правы, свабоды i гарантыi iх рэалiзацыi з'яўляюцца найвышэйшай каштоўнасцю i мэтай грамадства i дзяржавы. Дзяржава адказная перад грамадзянiнам за стварэнне ўмоў для свабоднага i годнага развiцця асобы. Грамадзянiн адказны перад дзяржавай за няўхiльнае выкананне абавязкаў, якiя ўскладзены на яго Канстытуцыяй."


Article 42: “Employees shall be guaranteed a just share of remuneration for the economic results of their labour in accordance with the quantity, quality and social significance of such work, but it shall not be less than the level which shall ensure an independent and dignified living for them and their families.”

Артыкул 42: "Асобам, якiя працуюць па найму, гарантуецца справядлiвая доля ўзнагароджання ў эканамiчных вынiках працы ў адпаведнасцi з яе колькасцю, якасцю i грамадскiм значэннем, але не нiжэй за ўзровень, якi забяспечвае iм i iх сем'ям свабоднае i годнае iснаванне."

بوليفيا (دولة - المتعددة القوميات)

الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 16:
I. Every person has the right to water and food.
II. The State has the obligation to guarantee food security, by means of healthy, adequate and sufficient food for the entire population.” 

الوضع الوطني للالتزامات الدولية

Article 13.I: "The rights recognized in this Constitution are inviolable, universal, inter-dependent, indivisible and progressive. The State has the duty to promote, protect and respect them.

Article 13.II: "The rights declared in this Constitution shall not be understood to deny other rights that are not enumerated."

Article 13.III: "The classification of the rights established in this Constitution does not determine any hierarchy or superiority of some rights over others."

Article 13.IV: “International treaties and conventions ratified by the Pluri-National Legislative Assembly (Asamblea Legislativa), which recognize human rights and prohibit their limitation in States of Emergency, prevail over internal law. The rights and duties consecrated in this Constitution shall be interpreted in accordance with the International Human Rights Treaties ratified by Bolivia.” 

Article 14.III: “The State guarantees everyone and all collectives, without discrimination, the free and effective exercise of the rights established in this Constitution, the laws and international human rights treaties.” 

Article 256.I: “The international treaties and instruments in matters of human rights that have been signed and/or ratified, or those that have been joined by the State, which declare rights more favorable than those contained in the Constitution, shall have preferential application over those in this Constitution.”

Article 257.I: “Ratified international treaties are part of domestic law with the force of law.”

Article 410.I: " Every person, natural and legal, as well as public organs, public functions and institutions, are subject to the present Constitution."

Article 410.II: "The Constitution is the supreme norm of Bolivian law and enjoys supremacy before any other normative disposition. The components of constitutional law include the international Treaties and Conventions in the matter of human rights and the norms of Communitarian Law, which have been ratified by the country. The application of the legal norms shall be governed by the following hierarchy, in accordance with the authority of the territorial entities: 1. Constitution of the State; 2. International treaties; 3. National laws, statutes of the autonomies, organic charters and the other departmental, municipal and indigenous legislation; 4. Decrees, regulations and other resolutions issued by the corresponding executive organs."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 9: “The following are essential purposes and functions of the State, in addition to those established in the Constitution and the law:   

1. To construct a just and harmonious society, built on decolonization, without discrimination or exploitation, with full social justice, in order to strengthen the Pluri-National identities.

2. To guarantee the welfare, development, security and protection, and equal dignity of individuals, nations, peoples, and communities, [...]”

Article 35.I: “The State, at all levels, shall protect the right to health and promote public policies designed to improve the quality of life, the collective well being, and free access of the population to health services” 

Article 35.II: "The health system is unitary and includes traditional medicine of the nations and the rural native indigenous peoples."

Article 46.I: “Every person has the following rights:
1. To dignified work, with industrial and occupational health and safety, without discrimination, and with a fair, equitable and satisfactory remuneration or salary that assures a dignified existence for the worker and his or her family.”


الحماية الواضحة للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 56: "The State protects marriage, motherhood and the family. What is relative to civil status shall be determined by law. The State shall protect the physical, mental and moral health of minors and shall guarantee their rights to support, health, education and social security. In an equal manner, the elderly and the sick who are destitute shall have the right to this protection."


الحماية الضمنية للحق في الغذاء الكافي

Article 64: "Work is a right and duty of the individual and accordingly the State is obliged to devise economic policies to promote full employment, and to ensure to every workman the necessary conditions for a decent existence."

Article 66: "Rules of periodic adjustment of the minimum salary or wage of the worker shall be set by law, to cover the normal requirements of his/her family, to improve worker's standard of living according to specific conditions of each economic region and activity. The law may also determine the method of fixing minimum salaries or wages for professions or trades [...]"

Article 110: "In matters of health, the State is primarily obliged to develop the following activities, integrating the functions of prevention, cure and rehabilitation in the: 1. Establishment of a national policy of food and nutrition, ensuring optimum nutritional conditions for the entire population, by promoting the availability, consumption, and biological benefit of suitable food;[...]"

Article 113: "All individuals are entitled to the security of their economic means for subsistence in case of disability or impossibility of obtaining remunerated work.[...]" 

Article 118: "The State has the fundamental obligation to guarantee that its population lives in a healthy environment, free of contamination (pollution), and where air, water, and foodstuffs satisfy the requirements for proper development of human life."

Article 122: "The State shall pay special attention to all aspects of Cattle and Agricultural development, promoting optimum use of the land, seeing to its reasonable distribution, and its proper use and conservation, so that it may be maintained in productive conditions. The State shall guarantee each farmer the right to live with dignity."


المبادئ التوجيهية لسياسة الدولة

Article 4: "The Republic of panama abides by the rules of International Law."


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