Le droit à l’alimentation autour du globe

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Protection explicite du droit à une alimentation adéquate
Protection implicite du droit à une alimentation adéquate
Principes directeurs de la politique étatique
L’état des obligations internationales dans l’ordre juridique national
D'autres dispositions concernant la réalisation du droit à une alimentation adéquate
113 pays trouvés


L’état des obligations internationales dans l’ordre juridique national

Article 6: “ The State shall respect the international charters and conventions, and strive to implement all international agreements, charters, and conventions it is party thereof.” 

Article 143: “The enforcement of this Constitution shall not affect the provisions of the treaties and international agreements to which the State of Qatar is a party.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 28: “The State shall guarantee freedom of economic enterprise on the basis of social justice and balanced cooperation between private and public activity in order to achieve socio-economic development, increase in production, achieve public welfare, raise standard of living, and provide job opportunities in accordance with the provisions of the law.”


L’état des obligations internationales dans l’ordre juridique national

Article 11 :
"(1) L'Etat roumain s'engage à accomplir exactement et de bonne foi les obligations qui lui incombent par les traités auxquels il est partie.
(2) Les traités ratifiés par le Parlement, conformément à la loi, font partie du droit interne." 

Article 20 :
"(1) Les dispositions constitutionnelles relatives aux droits et libertés des citoyens seront interprétées et appliquées en concordance avec la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme, avec les pactes et les autres traités auxquels la Roumanie est partie.
(2) En cas de non-concordance entre les pactes et les traités portant sur les droits fondamentaux de l'homme auxquels la Roumanie est partie, et les lois internes, les réglementations internationales ont la primauté, sauf le cas des dispositions plus favorables prévues par la Constitution ou les lois internes."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 1(3) : "La Roumanie est un Etat de droit, démocratique et social, dans lequel la dignité de l'être humain, les droits et les libertés des citoyens, le libre développement de la personnalité humaine, la justice et le pluralisme politique représentent les valeurs suprêmes, dans l'esprit des traditions démocratiques du peuple roumain et des idéaux de la Révolution de décembre 1989, et sont garantis."

Article 22 (1): "Le droit à la vie, ainsi que le droit à l'intégrité physique et psychique de la personne sont garantis."

Article 47 : 

"(1) L'Etat est tenu de prendre des mesures de développement économique et de protection sociale, de nature à assurer aux citoyens un niveau de vie décent. 

(2) Les citoyens ont droit à une pension de retraite, au congé de maternité payé, à l'assistance médicale dans les établissements sanitaires de l'Etat, à l'aide en cas de chômage et à d'autres formes d'assurances sociales publiques ou privées, prévues par la loi. Les citoyens ont également droit aux mesures d'assistance sociale, conformément à la loi."


L’état des obligations internationales dans l’ordre juridique national

Article 95: "The hierarchy of laws is as follows: 1° Constitution; 2° organic law; 3° international treaties and agreements ratified by Rwanda; 4° ordinary law; 5° orders. A law cannot contradict another law that is higher in hierarchy. Organic laws are those designated as such and empowered by this Constitution to regulate other key matters in the place of the Constitution."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 21: "Right to good health. - All Rwandans have the right to good health."

République centrafricaine

L’état des obligations internationales dans l’ordre juridique national

Article 94: "Les accords ou traités régulièrement ratifiés ou approuvés ont, dès leur publication, une autorité supérieure à celle des lois, sous réserve, pour chaque accord ou traité, de son application par l'autre partie."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 1.2 : "La République reconnaît l’existence des Droits de l’Homme comme base de toute communauté humaine, de la paix et de la justice dans le monde."

Article 11: "La République garantit à chaque citoyen le droit au travail, à un environnement sain, au repos et aux loisirs dans le respect des exigences du développement national. Elle lui assure les conditions favorables à son épanouissement par une politique efficiente de l’emploi."

République de Corée

L’état des obligations internationales dans l’ordre juridique national

Article 6(1): “Treaties duly concluded and promulgated in accordance with the Constitution and the generally recognized rules of international law shall have the same effect as the domestic laws of the Republic of Korea.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 10: “All citizens shall be assured of human dignity and worth and have the right to pursue happiness. It shall be the duty of the State to confirm and guarantee the fundamental and inviolable human rights of individuals.” 

Article 32(3): "Standards of working conditions shall be determined by law in such a way as to guarantee human dignity."

Article 34: 
(1) All citizens shall be entitled to a life worthy of human beings.  
(2) The State shall have the duty to endeavor to promote social security and welfare. 
(3) The State shall endeavor to promote the welfare and rights of women. 
(4) The State shall have the duty to implement policies for enhancing the welfare of senior citizens and the young. 
(5) Citizens who are incapable of earning a livelihood due to a physical disability, disease, old age or other reasons shall be protected by the State under the conditions as prescribed by Act.”

République de Moldova

Protection explicite du droit à une alimentation adéquate

Article 47:  

(1) The State shall be bound to take actions aimed at ensuring to every person and to his/her family a decent standard of living, health protection and welfare including food, clothing, shelter, medical care, and the necessary social services.”

L’état des obligations internationales dans l’ordre juridique national

Article 4: 
(1) Constitutional provisions for human rights and freedoms shall be understood and implemented in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and with other conventions and treaties endorsed by the Republic of Moldova.
(2) Wherever disagreements appear between conventions and treaties signed by the Republic of Moldova and her own national laws, priority shall be given to international regulations.”

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 37(1): “Every human being has the right to live in an environment that is ecologically safe for life and health, to obtain healthy food products and harmless household appliances.” 

République dominicaine

L’état des obligations internationales dans l’ordre juridique national

Article 26: International relations and international law - The Dominican Republic is a State member of the international community, open to cooperation and tied to the norms of international law, consequently: 1. It recognizes and applies the norms of international law, general and American, in the method in which its public powers have adopted them; 2. The norms in effect from international ratified agreements shall rule in the internal realm, once published in an official manner; 3. The international relations of the Dominican Republic are based and ruled by the affirmation and promotion of its national values and interests, respect for human rights and international law; 4. In equality of conditions with other States, the Dominican Republic accepts an international judicial system that guarantees respect of fundamental rights, peace, justice, and political, social, economic and cultural development of nations. It promises to act on the international, regional, and national levels in a manner compatible with national interests, the peaceful coexistence between peoples and the duties of solidarity with all nations; 5. The Dominican Republic shall promote and favor integration with the nations of America, toward the end of strengthening a community of nations that defends the interests of the region. The State may enter into international treaties in order to promote the common development of the nations, that safeguard the well-being of the peoples and the collective security of their inhabitants, and in order to confer supranational organizations the required abilities to participate in processes of integration; 6. It declares itself in favor of economic solidarity between the countries of America and supports all initiatives in defense of its basic products, raw materials, and biodiversity. 

Article 74: Principles of regulation and interpretation - [...] 3. Treaties, pacts, and conventions related to human rights, adopted and ratified by the Dominican State have constitutional hierarchy and are for direct and immediate application by the courts and other organs of the State.

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Artículo 8: “The effective protection of the rights of the person, the respect of their dignity and the securing of means that allow for their perfection in an egalitarian, equitable and progressive way, within a framework of individual liberty and social justice, compatible with the public order, the general well-being and the rights of all is an essential function of the State.”

Article 54: “The State shall promote research and the transference of technology for the production of foods and primary materials of agricultural origin, with the goal of increasing productivity and guaranteeing food security.”

Article 57: “The family, society, and the State shall come together for the protection and the assistance of elderly people and shall promote their integration into active community life. The State shall guarantee the services of integral social security and food subsidies in the case of poverty.”

Article 61.1: “The State should safeguard the protection of the health of all persons, access to potable water, improvement of nutrition, sanitation services, hygienic conditions, environmental cleanliness, as well as procure means for the prevention and treatment of all sicknesses, ensuring access to quality medication and giving medical and hospital assistance for free to those who need it."

Article 61.2: "The State shall guarantee, through legislation and public policies, the exercise of the economic and social rights of the low-income population and, consequently, shall lend its protection and assistance to vulnerable groups and sectors, shall fight social vices with the appropriate means and with the aid of international agreements and organizations.”

Artículo 62.9: “All workers have the right to a wage that is just and sufficient to permit them to live with dignity and cover the basic material, social, and intellectual needs of themselves and their families.[...]”

République démocratique du Congo

Protection explicite du droit à une alimentation adéquate

Article 47 : "The right to health and to [a] secure food supply is guaranteed. The law specifies the fundamental principles and the rules of organization for public health and [a] secure food supply."

L’état des obligations internationales dans l’ordre juridique national

Article 215 : "The international treaties and agreements, regularly concluded, have, on their publication, an authority superior to that of the laws, under reserve for each treaty and agreement, of its the application by the other party."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 36.2 : "The State guarantees the right to work, protection against unemployment and an equitable and satisfactory remuneration, assuring the worker as well as his family of an existence in accordance with human dignity, together with all the other means of social protection, notably retirement pension[s] and life annuities."

Article 58 : "All Congolese have the right to enjoy the national wealth. The State has the duty to redistribute it equitably and to guarantee the right to development."

République populaire démocratique de Corée

Principes directeurs de la politique étatique

Article 25: “The DPRK regards the steady improvement of the material and cultural standards of the people as the supreme principle of its activities. The constantly-increasing material wealth of society in our country, where taxes have been abolished, is used entirely for promoting the well-being of the working people. The State shall provide all working people with every condition for obtaining food, clothing and housing.”

L’état des obligations internationales dans l’ordre juridique national

Article 15: "The DPRK shall champion the democratic, national rights of Koreans overseas and their rights recognized by the international law."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 8: “The social system of the DPRK is a people-centered system under which the working people are masters of everything, and everything in society serves the working people. The state shall safeguard the interests of, and respect and protect the human rights of the working people.”

Article 15: “The DPRK shall protect the democratic national rights of Korean compatriots overseas and their legitimate rights and interests as recognized by international law.”


L’état des obligations internationales dans l’ordre juridique national

Article 1: "The Republic of San Marino receives generally recognised rules of international law as integral part of its constitutional order, to which it shall conform its acts and conduct. It recognises the provisions set forth in the international declarations on human rights and fundamental freedoms. It reasserts the right to political asylum. It rejects war as a means to settle disputes between States and, in its international policy, adheres to the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. San Marino constitutional order recognises, guarantees and enforces the rights and fundamental freedoms set forth by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Regularly signed and implemented international agreements on the protection of human rights and freedoms shall prevail over domestic legislation in case of conflict."