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Прямая защита права на достаточное питание
Косвенная защита права на достаточное питание
Директивные принципы государственной политики
Национальный статус международных обязательств
Другие соответствующие положения для осуществлении права на достаточное питание
17 стран найдено


Прямая защита права на достаточное питание

Article 56: "The State protects marriage, motherhood and the family. What is relative to civil status shall be determined by law. The State shall protect the physical, mental and moral health of minors and shall guarantee their rights to support, health, education and social security. In an equal manner, the elderly and the sick who are destitute shall have the right to this protection."


Косвенная защита права на достаточное питание

Article 64: "Work is a right and duty of the individual and accordingly the State is obliged to devise economic policies to promote full employment, and to ensure to every workman the necessary conditions for a decent existence."

Article 66: "Rules of periodic adjustment of the minimum salary or wage of the worker shall be set by law, to cover the normal requirements of his/her family, to improve worker's standard of living according to specific conditions of each economic region and activity. The law may also determine the method of fixing minimum salaries or wages for professions or trades [...]"

Article 110: "In matters of health, the State is primarily obliged to develop the following activities, integrating the functions of prevention, cure and rehabilitation in the: 1. Establishment of a national policy of food and nutrition, ensuring optimum nutritional conditions for the entire population, by promoting the availability, consumption, and biological benefit of suitable food;[...]"

Article 113: "All individuals are entitled to the security of their economic means for subsistence in case of disability or impossibility of obtaining remunerated work.[...]" 

Article 118: "The State has the fundamental obligation to guarantee that its population lives in a healthy environment, free of contamination (pollution), and where air, water, and foodstuffs satisfy the requirements for proper development of human life."

Article 122: "The State shall pay special attention to all aspects of Cattle and Agricultural development, promoting optimum use of the land, seeing to its reasonable distribution, and its proper use and conservation, so that it may be maintained in productive conditions. The State shall guarantee each farmer the right to live with dignity."


Директивные принципы государственной политики

Article 4: "The Republic of panama abides by the rules of International Law."



Косвенная защита права на достаточное питание

Article 2: "Every person has the right:

1. To life, his identity, his moral, psychical, and physical integrity, and his free development and well-being. The unborn child is a rights-bearing subject in all cases that benefit him."


Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article 55:  "Treaties formalized by the State and in force are part of national law."


Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 10: "The State recognizes the universal and progressive right of each person to social security for his protection from contingencies specified by law, and for the elevation of his quality of life." 

Article 24: "The worker is entitled to adequate and fair compensation that ensures both himself and his family material and spiritual well-being. Payment of wages and social benefits for the worker takes priority over any other obligation of the employer. Minimum wages are regulated by the State with participation of representative organizations of workers and employers."


Косвенная защита права на достаточное питание

Article 28C: 
(1) Every person shall have the right to develop him/herself through the fulfilment of his/her basic needs, the right to get education and to benefit from science and technology, arts and culture, for the purpose of improving the quality of his/her life and for the welfare of the human race.

(2) Every person shall have the right to improve him/herself through collective struggle for his/her rights to develop his/her society, nation and state.”

Article 28H: 
(1) Every person shall have the right to live in physical and spiritual prosperity, to have a home and to enjoy a good and healthy environment, and shall have the right to obtain medical care.
(3) Every person shall have the right to social security in order to develop oneself fully as a dignified human being."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 28I
(4) Protecting, promoting, upholding, and the full realization of human rights are the responsibilities of the state, foremost of the government.”


Косвенная защита права на достаточное питание

Article 23: "Everyone has the right to lead a life in keeping with human dignity. To this end, the laws, federate laws and rules referred to in Article 134 guarantee economic, social and cultural rights, taking into account corresponding obligations, and determine the conditions for exercising them. These rights include among others:

1°. the right to employment and to the free choice of an occupation within the context of a general employment policy, aimed among others at ensuring a level of employment that is as stable and high as possible, the right to fair terms of employment and to fair remuneration, as well as the right to information, consultation and collective negotiation;

2°. the right to social security, to health care and to social, medical and legal aid;

3°. the right to decent accommodation; 

4°. the right to the protection of a healthy environment; 

5°. the right to cultural and social fulfilment;

6°. the right to family allowances."


Босния и Герцеговина

Косвенная защита права на достаточное питание

Article II.1: “Bosnia and Herzegovina and both Entities shall ensure the highest level of internationally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms. To that end, there shall be a Human Rights Commission for Bosnia and Herzegovina as provided for in Annex 6 to the General Framework Agreement.”

Član II.1: "Bosna i Hercegovina i oba entiteta će osigurati najviši nivo međunarodno priznatih ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda. U tu svrhu postoji Komisija za ljudska prava za Bosnu i Hercegovinu, kao što je predviđeno u Aneksu 6 Opšteg okvirnog sporazuma. 


Article II.2: “The rights and freedoms set forth in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and its Protocols shall apply directly in Bosnia and Herzegovina. These shall have priority over all other law.”

Član II.2: "Prava i slobode predviđeni u Evropskoj konvenciji za zaštitu ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda i u njenim protokolima se direktno primjenjuju u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ovi akti imaju prioritet nad svim ostalim zakonima."


Annex I: "Additional Human Rights Agreements To Be Applied In Bosnia And Herzegovina"

Aneks I: "Dodatni sporazumi o ljudskim pravima koji će se primjenjivati u Bosni i Hercegovini."


Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article II/1. “Bosnia and Herzegovina and both Entities shall ensure the highest level of internationally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms. To that end, there shall be a Human Rights Commission for Bosnia and Herzegovina as provided for in Annex 6 to the General Framework Agreement.

Član II.1: "Bosna i Hercegovina i oba entiteta će osigurati najviši nivo međunarodno priznatih ljudskih prava i osnovnih sloboda. U tu svrhu postoji Komisija za ljudska prava za Bosnu i Hercegovinu, kao što je predviđeno u Aneksu 6 Opšteg okvirnog sporazuma. 



Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Preamble: “Inspired by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, as well as other human rights instruments (…) Bosniacs, Croats, and Serbs, as constituent peoples (along with Others), and citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina hereby determine that the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina is as follows (…)”.

Preambula: "Inspirisani Univerzalnom Deklaracijom o ljudskim pravima, Međunarodnim paktovima o građanskim i političkim pravima, odnosno o ekonomskim, socijalnim i kulturnim pravima, i Deklaracijom o pravima lica koja pripadaju nacionalnim ili etničkim, vjerskim i jezičkim manjinama, kao i drugim instrumentima ljudskih prava,[...] Bošnjaci, Hrvati i Srbi, kao konstitutivni narodi (u zajednici s ostalima), i građani Bosne i Hercegovine ovim utvrđuju Ustav Bosne i Hercegovine[...]"


Косвенная защита права на достаточное питание

Article XX. (1) Every person shall have the right to physical and mental health. (2) Hungary shall promote the effective application of the right referred to in Paragraph (1) by an agriculture free of genetically modified organisms, by ensuring access to healthy food and drinking water, by organising safety at work and healthcare provision, by supporting sports and regular physical exercise, as well as by ensuring the protection of the environment.

Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article Q: 

(1)"In order to establish and maintain peace and security and to achieve the sustainable development of humanity, Hungary shall strive to cooperate with all the peoples and countries of the world."

(2) "In order to comply with its obligations under international law, Hungary shall ensure that Hungarian law be in conformity with international law."

(3) "Hungary shall accept the generally recognised rules of international law. Other sources of international law shall become part of the Hungarian legal system by publication in rules of law."


Q) cikk

(1) "Magyarország a béke és a biztonság megteremtése és megőrzése, valamint az emberiség fenntartható fejlődése érdekében együttműködésre törekszik a világ valamennyi népével és országával."

(2) "Magyarország nemzetközi jogi kötelezettségeinek teljesítése érdekében biztosítja a nemzetközi jog és a magyar jog összhangját."

(3) "Magyarország elfogadja a nemzetközi jog általánosan elismert szabályait. A nemzetközi jog más forrásai jogszabályban történő kihirdetésükkel válnak a magyar jogrendszer részévé."

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article XVI (1): “Every child shall have the right to the protection and care required for his or her proper physical, mental and moral development.”

XVI. cikk (1): "Minden gyermeknek joga van a megfelelő testi, szellemi és erkölcsi fejlődéséhez szükséges védelemhez és gondoskodáshoz."

Article XVII (3): " Every employee shall have the right to working conditions which respect his or her health, safety and dignity."

XVII. cikk (3): "Minden munkavállalónak joga van az egészségét, biztonságát és méltóságát tiszteletben tartó munkafeltételekhez."



Прямая защита права на достаточное питание

Article 79: “Each citizen has the right to healthy and sufficient food and clean water. The State shall ensure food resources to all citizens. The State shall also ensure sustainable food sovereignty and maintain agricultural biological diversity and types of local plants in order to safeguard the rights of future generations.”


Косвенная защита права на достаточное питание

Article 83: “The State shall guarantee the health, economic, social, cultural and entertainment rights of the elderly people, provide them with appropriate pensions which ensure a decent life for them, and enable them to participate in public life.”




Национальный статус международных обязательств

Article 93: “The State shall be bound by the international human rights agreements, covenants and conventions ratified by Egypt, and which shall have the force of law after publication in accordance with the prescribed conditions".

Other pertinent provisions for the realization of the right to adequate food

Article 8: “The State shall achieve social justice and provide the means to achieve social interdependence, in order to ensure a decent life for all citizens, as regulated by Law”

Article 17: “The State shall ensure that social insurance services are provided. All citizens who do not benefit from the social insurance system have the right to social security, in a manner that ensures a decent life in the event of being incapable to provide for themselves and their families, as well as in cases of incapacity to work, old age or unemployment.”

Article 27: “From a social perspective, the economic system shall ensure equal opportunities and fair distribution of development returns, reduce the differences among incomes and adhere to a minimum wage and pension ensuring a decent life, as well as a maximum one in State agencies for every salaried employee according to the Law.”

Article 29: “Agriculture is a basic component of the economy. The State shall protect and expand agricultural land, and shall criminalize encroachments thereon. It shall develop rural areas; raise the standard of living of their population and protect them from environmental risks; and shall strive to on develop agricultural and animal production and encourage industries based thereon. The State shall provide agricultural and animal production requirements, and shall buy basic agricultural crops at suitable prices generating profit margins for farmers in agreement with agricultural unions, syndicates and associations. The State shall also allocate a percentage of reclaimed lands to small farmers and youth graduates, and protect farmers and agricultural workers against exploitation. All the foregoing shall be as regulated by Law.”

Article 81: “The State shall guarantee the health, economic, social, cultural, entertainment, sporting and educational rights of persons with disabilities and dwarves, strive to provide them with job opportunities, allocate a percentage of job opportunities to them, and adapt public facilities and their surrounding environment to their special needs.”

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