الحق في الغذاء

The impact of gender policy process on the right to food: the case of Cambodia - Validation workshop

News - 25.03.2016

A validation workshop was held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on 22 March 2016 with the aim of reviewing and validating the results of the FAO study “The impact of gender policy process on the right to food: the case of Cambodia”, while at the same time opening a discussion on the Right to Food and its applicability in the Cambodian context, offering examples from other countries where such approach is progressing.

Purpose of this study was to identify potential entry-points for development of activities on the human right to adequate food in Cambodia through a gender approach. To this end, the analysis focused on gender policy processes currently on going in the country, considered as a viable opportunity to initiate or strengthen the implementation of the Right to Food Guidelines at country level. The Case Study has taken into account the Cambodian legal framework in relation to food security, national policies in matters related to food security, and social protection and gender policies to promote the advancement and empowerment of women. It has also considered the intersection between national gender policies and the ongoing process of Decentralization and Deconcentration. The study has been supported by primary data obtained from various stakeholders, including institutional representatives, and representatives of development organizations and civil society. Brief field work was conducted to gather firsthand information from rural women and subnational authorities in charge of gender and food security.

The workshop, attended by the main national stakeholders, also saw the presence of representatives from important national institutions, such as the Council for Agriculture and Rural Development (CARD), the Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MOWA) and the Ministry of Health. The Under Secretary of State, Mrs. Mom Thany from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, opened and closed the ceremony.

On the basis of the feedback received in the course of the discussion, the workshop led to the validation of the case study which will be officially launched in April 2016, setting also the ground for future activities on gender and right to food.



Photos: ©FAO Cambodia

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