الحق في الغذاء

التواصل من أجل تعزيز أوجه التقدم نحو إعمال الحق في الغذاء الكافي في توجو

On the ground - 21.06.2017

On 17 and 18 May 2017, around 50 journalists from public and private institutions met in Lomé for the Constitutive General Assembly of a Network of Togolese Journalists empowered on right to food issues. Upon completion of the event, the National Network of Journalists on the right to adequate food had been established. This Network will facilitate the promotion and ensure progress on the right to food through various communication methods that will, amongst other, contribute to raise awareness of citizens on their right, communicate the current food and nutrition situation in the country while disseminating national actors’ actions and programmes. Hence, considering the fundamental role of journalists for the promotion of the right to adequate food, this Network will increase the impact and scope of communications on the right to food.

The Constitutive General Assembly was held following the commitment of journalists whom participated to a capacity-building workshop on the right to food on 22 and 23 December 2016 in Notsè. During this workshop, which counted on the participation of around 40 journalists, participants touched on key notions for the realization of the right to adequate food while also developing a road map for the creation of the Network. As such, the Constitutive General Assembly gave life to this commitment.

During the last year, FAO country office in Togo and the Right to Food Team, with the support of the project “GCP/GLO/324/NOR - Integrating the Right to Adequate Food and Good Governance in National Policies, Legislation and Institutions”, have multiplied their efforts towards the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the country. In close collaboration with national authorities and Togolese partners, a number of activities and events have taken place to further advance the strong commitments made by the national authorities in the Revue diagnostique sur la réalisation du droit à une alimentation adéquate au Togo.

Among the activities, there was a workshop with Parliamentarians to share experiences on drafting a framework law on the right to food, which took place in November 2016 and notably allowed to start discussions on the elaboration process of the framework law. In addition, there was a workshop on the creation of a national council for food security and nutrition that was held in February 2017, where key actors initiated discussions on the creation of a national platform for the right to food and were also able to hear about the Senegalese and Bolivian experiences, shared by experts from these two countries. Moreover, a series of sessions to raise awareness, distribute tools and strengthen capacities on the right to food of university students took place in March and April 2017. As a result, more than 500 students have attended those activities and over 700 publications and tools on the right to food were distributed.

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