The Right to Food

Right to Food workshop in Guatemala

News - 25.06.2016

Organized jointly by the Institution of the Human Rights Prosecutor (PDH), FAO and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the workshop “Políticas Públicas vinculadas al Derecho a la Alimentación Adecuada y Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional en Guatemala” took place from the 21 to 23 June in Guatemala.

With over 40 participants coming from the different institutions that constitute the National System for Food Security and Nutrition (SINASAN), which include representatives of the public sector (MSPAS, MINEDUC, MIDES, SESAN, MAGA, MINTRAB, SEGEPLAN, INE) as well as from sectors represented in the Social Consultative and Participative Instance (INCOPAS), such as women, indigenous communities, farmers, non-governmental, trade unions and evangelical organizations, the workshop aimed to strengthen the capacities on food security and nutrition, the right to adequate food and human rights principles.

In order to discuss Guatemala’s relevant public policies and analyze ways to strengthen national frameworks to realize the right to adequate food, national and international experts were among the presenters, including Juan Carlos García y Cebolla (Team Leader of FAO’s Right to Food Team), Nayda Acevedo Medrano (International consultant on public policies and the right to adequate food), Hon. Representative Victor Estrada (Coordinator of the Food Security Commission of the Congress), Germán Gonzalez (Secretary of SESAN) as well as experts from PDH, OHCHR, FAO, Secretariat for Food Security and Nutrition (SESAN), Secretariat of the Presidency for planning and programming (SEGEPLAN) and the Social Collective for the right to adequate food.
For more information [in Spanish], please refer to

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