
Research Center on World Food Governance

News - 22.03.2016

Oviedo, Spain – On 1st February 2016, the University of Oviedo in Spain established a Research Center on World Food Governance. The Research Center contributes to gathering and making accessible information pertaining to the physical and economic access to adequate and sufficient food as well as promoting and facilitating access to knowledge and tools on food and nutrition security policy interventions.

Its main areas of work include:

  1. Stimulate research on the physical and economic access to quantitatively and qualitatively adequate and sufficient food of vulnerable communities suffering from food insecurity and malnutrition in the Spanish society.
  2. Monitor existing policies, institutions, laws and programs at international, national, autonomous and local levels.
  3. Analyze the coherency and convergence between policies and programs from different stakeholders aiming to guarantee food security.
  4. Produce an annual report reviewing strategies and good practices based on the right to food.


For more information [in Spanish]:
