


语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 全球研究 - 宣传倡导 - 法律问题 - 机构能力 - 粮食安全与营养


关键词: 评估 - 粮食安全分析 - 监测 - 分析 - 指标 - 机构能力 - 具体目标


语言版本: français
关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 国家立法 - 粮食安全与营养 - 制度政策 - 战略

Right to Food Study, 2016.
The study aims at identifying potential entry-points for the development of activities on the human right to adequate food in Cambodia. To this end, the analysis focuses on gender policy processes currently ongoing in the country, considered as a viable opportunity to initiate or strengthen the implementation of the Right to Food Guidelines at country level.

关键词: 粮食安全分析 - 国家立法 - 粮食安全与营养 - 制度政策 - 战略

Brief, 2016.
Various countries in the region are currently reviewing their national legislation to develop legal frameworks on school feeding. This document brings a summary of the key findings and recommendations contained in the study Analysis of the legal frameworks on school food and nutrition in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.

语言版本: Español
关键词: 法律问题 - 国家立法

Right to Food Study, 2016.
Various countries in the region are currently reviewing their national legislation to develop legal frameworks on school feeding. This study, undertook upon request coming from CA-4 countries and several regional instances, brings an analysis and an overview of the existing legislation that regulates school feeding in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. It also aims at presenting a methodology for the assessment of legal frameworks on that topic.

语言版本: Español
关键词: 法律问题 - 国家立法

Brief, 2016.
Developed jointly by the Right to Food Team and the Decent Rural Employment Team, this brief argues that consolidating the synergies between the two rights through a human rights-based approach can enhance the impact of food security, rural development and poverty reduction interventions to better and more efficiently contribute to FAO’s mandate.

关键词: 全球研究 - 宣传倡导 - 国际法 - 协调 - 粮食安全与营养

Workshop report, 2016.
This report includes all debates and list of commitments which took place during the South Asian Dialogue on the Right to Food, held in Dhaka on the 23-25 November 2015. The event was jointly organized by Oxfam and FAO with the objective to promote an emerging right to food community of practice for improved food security in South Asia. It called for the participation of members from government, civil society organizations, academia and think tanks from India, Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

关键词: 宣传倡导 - 国家立法 - 协调 - 粮食安全与营养 - 制度政策

Legal Study, 2015.
This publication brings together a comparative analysis of the legislation on food and nutrition security in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, also including a regional perspective of the instruments adopted by parliamentary bodies in Latin America.

语言版本: Español
关键词: 法律问题 - 国家立法 - 粮食安全与营养

Right to Food Study, 2015.
This publication provides an overview on the main issues debated during the development and passage of the India’s National Food Security Act (2013), which legally binds national and state governments to extend far-reaching social protection to the country’s population.

语言版本:English français Español
关键词: 赋权 - 法律问题 - 权益 - 国家立法 - 义务 - 粮食安全与营养
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