الحق في الغذاء

Legislative Database on the Right to Food

The Legislative Database on the Right to Food covers national legislation referred to and analysed in the Guide on Legislating for the Right to Food. It includes all constitutions, laws and subsidiary legislation which have been referred to in the Guide, which was published in 2009 as a part of the Right to Food Methodological Toolbox.

How to use the legislative database?

Search for the legal documents by using the English, Spanish or French interface. The results will be shown in English, Spanish or French.
The full text of the legislation is generally available in its original language and English. You have the following search options:

  • Choose a country and all available legal acts of this country will be shown.
  • Choose one of the provided fields/sectors and your search will be confined to all available legislation of a certain field of law.
  • In addition to this, you may choose the year and the type of the legislation.

Last updated: 16 October 2009

متاح في:

لكلمات الدالة: القضايا القانونية, الاستحقاقات, التشريع الوطني

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