
Legislate for the Right to Food

Author: FAO Right to Food Team

"How to" Series, 2007.

The paper “Legislate for the Right to Food” is a part of the “How to” series, which also includes the papers “Conduct a Right to Food Assessment”, “Analyze Budgets” and “Monitor the Realization of the Right to Food”.

Legislative measures for the implementation of the human right to adequate food are highlighted both in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and in the Right to Food Guidelines.

There are three distinct legislative areas to consider: constitutional provisions, framework law and sectoral legislation. This paper gives a brief overview of constitutional provisions and the sectoral legislative review explaining the basic principles. Framework law lays down the broad principles that outline state obligations to immediately ensure that every person is free from hunger and to progressively realize every person’s right to food. In regard to framework law the paper also provides explanation to the key provisions, the legislative process, emergency preparedness, institutional arrangements, financing, monitoring and recourse.

类别: 培训和宣传材料
关键词: 宣传倡导, 教学工具, 法律问题, 权益, 国际法, 国家立法, 义务, 追索机制
