
Development of specific right to food legislation

Authors: Dubravka Bojic Bultrini, Margret Vidar, Lidija Knuth / Editors: José Mª Medina Rey, Mª Teresa de Febrer (PROSALUS)

Right to Food Handbooks 2, 2014.

The purpose of this handbook is to provide practical information and guidelines for national legislators and individual parties or groups interested in order to improve the process of developing a framework law for the right to food.

The content of this handbook is based on the FAO's Guide on Legislating for the Right to Food. The handbook presents some preliminary issues, describes how the process should be and what the provisions should be in terms of general provisions, substantive provisions and provisions for the implementation of the law.

类别: 培训和宣传材料
关键词: 教学工具, 培训, 法律问题, 权益, 国际法, 国家立法, 义务, 追索机制
