
Who's who in the right to food

Authors: Mauricio Rosales, Arne Oshaug, Maarten Immink, Beatrice Ghirardini / Editors: José Mª Medina Rey, Mª Teresa de Febrer (PROSALUS)

Right to Food Handbooks 9, 2014.

This handbook provides an overview of who is who and what his/her role is in the realization of the human right to food. This information enhances the possibilities of coordination and collaboration between the different actors as well as accountability.

The content of this handbook is based on the FAO’s guide "Right to Food Curriculum Outline".Based on the distinction between rights holders, duty bearers and responsibilities with regard to the right to food, it presents the main functions and tasks that each one carries out in the realization of the human right to food.

类别: 培训和宣传材料
关键词: 能力开发, 宣传倡导, 课程, 教学工具, 赋权, 培训
