
Social protection and an enabling environment for the right to adequate food

Author: Shoghag Sherry Ajemian

Right to Food Thematic Study 5, 2014.

This thematic study takes a retrospective glance at social protection over a span of a decade from 2004 to 2014. It presents developments from the perspective of Guidelines 8, 13, 14 and recommended measures for international cooperation and partnership necessary for promoting the right to adequate food. It presents the trajectory of a human rights-based approach to social protection across global and regional policy spaces taking stock of the presence of non-state actors and the emergence of inclusive platforms for multi-stakeholders to engage in policy and implementation of programmes. It highlights opportunities for technical cooperation, knowledge exchange, and financial assistance for social protection and points to the momentum for nationally determined social protection floors with challenges of financing and coherence as regards capacities and commitments of States.

The study also looks at the use of social protection in short and long term food security interventions contexts and the emerging evidence of its impact. It suggests the need for looking at processes in addition to outcomes, in particular those that bear upon issues related to accountability, grievance mechanisms, and vulnerable groups.

类别: 食物权准则
关键词: 评估, 粮食安全分析, 全球研究, 法律问题, 权益, 政策, 协调, 粮食安全与营养, 制度政策
