2015 DesertLand II conference

16 Jun 2015 - 17 Jun 2015

The DesertLand Conference brings together scientists, volunteers, research and service institutions, NGO's and corporations that help cope with the problems and find appropriate solutions. It is a unique opportunity to find out how projects of the past (since RIO 1992 conventions!) have made a difference and how the future problems should be tackled! Among the objectives of the DesertLand conference is taking stock of not only the current scientific knowledge but also of the current strategies of management of areas affected by drought (water scarcity) and by degradation of land (water erosion, wind erosion, physical and chemical degradation) and pastures, and this at a national, regional and community level. Downscaling is the issue!

VENUE: NH Hotel Gent Belfort, Ghent, Belgium.

ORGANIZED BY:Gent BC and UNESCO Chair on Eremology, Ghent University, Belgium


Location: Ghent