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Este conocido compendio de tendencias mundiales en materia de alimentación y agricultura vuelve ahora con un estilo digital, coincidiendo con el Día Mundial de la Estadística
La publicación presenta estadísticas de pesca y acuicultura completas y detalladas, que cubren la producción, la utilización, el consumo y el comercio de los productos pesqueros, el empleo y la flotas.
La versión 2020 de esta encuesta presenta las estadísticas mundiales sobre la capacidad de producción de pulpa y papel, junto con sus estimaciones a corto plazo en los principales países productores y los datos relacionados a la producción de pulpa y papel e información sobre la utilización del p...
[Translate to Español:] Agricultural Markets and Sustainable Development: Global value chains, smallholder farmers and digital innovations.
El informe ofrece análisis y tendencias de 22 indicadores en 6 ODS (2, 5, 6, 12, 14 y 15) bajo su custodia.
This second report - compiled jointly by international organizations, under the aegis of the Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA) – updates some of the global and regional trends presented in the first volume and offers a snapshot of how COVID-19 continues to affect the...
El Anuario FAO de productos forestales es un compendio de datos estadísticos sobre los productos forestales básicos para todos los países y territorios del mundo.
Un millón de capas geoespaciales y miles de estadísticas de más de 10 dominios relacionados con la alimentación y la agricultura
Explore the new Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) 2020, including the main report, individual reports for 236 countries and territories of the world, and an interactive FRA online platform available at the FRA website.
Since the first assessment in 1948, the report has evolved into a comprehensive evaluation of forest resources and their condition, management and uses, covering all the thematic elements of sustainable forest management. One of the key findings in this edition is that while deforestation continu...
This annual report utilizes the commodity, policy and country expertise of both OECD and FAO and Member Countries to assess prospects for the coming decade’s global agricultural commodity markets. This year’s edition features a short scenario on COVID-19.
The number of people affected by hunger globally has been rising since 2014. This report spotlights the links between food security and nutrition, introduces new analysis of the affordability of healthy diets, presents health and climate-change costs associated with food consumption and concludes...
The Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) datasets can be especially useful in measuring and monitoring food insecurity in many countries, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This report is intended to serve as a useful tool for improving transparency and external visibility of the FAO Statistical System, as well as for stimulating joint efforts among international organizations in many areas.
Submit your proposals by 31 July 2020.
El estado mundial de la pesca y la acuicultura de la FAO analiza el aumento de la producción y consumo de pescado y subraya el potencial de las medidas para lograr su sostenibilidad.
The Agricultural Integrated Surveys Programme promotes and supports the collection, dissemination and use of sound, harmonized, timely and regular data on agriculture based a farm-based multi-year survey programme model.
The Food Outlook report provides the first forecasts for production and market trends in 2020-2021 for the world's most traded food commodities - cereals, oilcrops, meat, dairy, fish and sugar.
New UN report by 36 international organizations shows how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting people’s lives.
Una visión sinóptica de los bosques del mundo y de las formas en que los recursos han ido cambiando en el período 1990-2020.