
Publications Archive

Sudan Monthly Market Update - Oct 2010

SIFSIA Northern Sudan and Sudan Government of National Unity (GNU)
Sorghum prices in most observed markets declined between August and September, but are still much above the September 2005‐2009 average levels. Central Statistical Bureau sources have also indicated that food price inflation declined from around 20% in May to about 10% in September 2010. The food expenditure ratio (FR), in Sudan was 61.4 percent for Sudan in 2009. This means that on average a household in Sudan spends more than three fifths of its total expenditure on food items. FAO Crop Prospects and Food Situation (Sept 2010), shows that international wheat prices increased in the range of 60 to 80% from July to September 2010 due to supply decline. These higher level cereal prices were still one third below their peaks in 2008. However, this is expected to increase the import bill of importing countries by about 8%. Sudan is now importing about 2 million MT of wheat and wheat flour each year. The Government continues to subsidize wheat and hence the impact of higher international wheat prices has not yet been directly transferred to consumers in Sudan. Khartoum wheat prices increased from 103 in July to 120 SDG/ 90 kg bag in Sept 2010 (16%).

Sudan Seasonal Monitor 2010 #6

Sudan Meteorological Authority - Federal Ministry of Agriculture
Advanced position of ITCZ during August to most north of Sudan emerged wide spread and significant amounts of rainfall over the country. Above average rainfall amounts covered large parts of central and southern Sudan during mid and late August. In contrast, areas of Northern Gedarif, Blue Nile, Upper Nile, Northern part of White Nile, North Kordufan, North Darfur, northern parts of South Darfur, eastern parts of Jonglei and East Equatoria experienced below average rainfall amount, which may affect the crop development and pastoral conditions in this areas. Vegetation levels are enhanced in the most central Sudan to normal and near normal levels as a result of above average rainfall in July and early August. The development of vegetation level during August and the favourable conditions of crop development may help in narrowing the food gap by the end of the season

Southern Sudan Policy Brief

Food Security Technical Secretariat (FSTS) at Southern Sudan Center for Cencus, Statistics and Evaluation (SSCCSE)
This policy brief is prepared based on the findings of the recently concluded food security related sectoral policy review work which was supported by the Sudan Institutional Capacity Programe: Food Security Information for Action Project (SIFSIA). The main objective of the review was to review and analyse food security related policies, strategic plans and other programme documents developed by lineMinistries of the Government of Southern Sudan. Nine policy and strategy documents were covered in the review process1. The review employed FAO’s twin track approach to identify policy gaps related to food security interventions considering rural development measures (track 1) and social protection mechanisms (track 2). The policies were also reviewed against the four pillars of food security, namely availability, access, utilisation and stability. The review not only identified major policy gaps in each policy or strategy but also made recommendations to address them


This training manual provides a generic overview of a ‘price and market analysis’ as an integral part of a comprehensive food security programme initiated by FEWS NET and SIFSIA North. The main target is to provide a basic understanding of markets’ issues in relation to food security and livelihoods development as part of food security and vulnerability analysis and show further how to conduct response analysis and design mitigation options and/or alternative. Therefore, the focus in this marketing-food security concern is to enable analysts to understand how markets could affect food availability and how they could influence access to food.

North Sudan States IPC summaries:: Aug - Oct 2010

SIFSIA-N / Food Security Technical Secretariat (FSTS) –Ministry of Agriculture
Summary of the Food Security Situation in northern Sudan states based on the National IPC Workshop held in Khartoum 3- 5 August 2010. The Integrated Food Security Classification (IPC) national and state map products are based on consultative process at the state level and at the national level with representatives from the 15 northern States Food Security/ IPC working groups.

Cereal Availability Study in the Northern States of Sudan

SIFSIA - Sudan Strategic Reserve Corporation - Ministry of Agriculture
FAO/Sudan commissioned a cereal availability study in the northern states of the Sudan in 2010. The overall objective of the cereal availability study was to assess the volume of marketable surplus and the availability of cereals during the 2010 marketing year with the view to explore and determine different courses of action for acquiring locally purchased cereals for relief and development activities. The cereal availability study is based on both primary and secondary data sources, including key producers-irrigation, traditional rain-fed and mechanized rain-fed farms-as well as cereal traders and flour mills. A total of 209 producers, 124 cereal traders and 14 flour mills were interviewed in 12 northern states of Sudan. The three States of Darfur were not included in the study for security reasons. Samples were selected in consultation with the Directors of State Agricultural Planning Offices and other knowledgeable people. Attempts were made to include different categories of traders (large, medium and small) and producers (irrigated traditional rain-fed and mechanized rain-fed farms).

Agrometerological Bulletin for July 2010

Food Security Technical Secretariat (FSTS) at Southern Sudan Center for Cencus, Statistics and Evaluation (SSCCSE)
The Agro-meteorology bulletin is a report produced monthly to report the agricultural season in SouthernSudan. The emphasis of the report is mainly on rainfall performance and its implication on crops and rangeland. The impact of agricultural season has huge implications on food security situation of households that basically depend on agriculture.

Southern Sudan Agrometerological Bulletin for July 2010

Food Security Technical Secretariat (FSTS) at Southern Sudan Center for Cencus, Statistics and Evaluation (SSCCSE)
The Agro-meteorology bulletin is a report produced monthly to report the agricultural season in SouthernSudan. The emphasis of the report is mainly on rainfall performance and its implication on crops and rangeland. The impact of agricultural season has huge implications on food security situation of households that basically depend on agriculture.

Sudan Seasonal Monitor 2010 #5

Sudan Meteorological Authority - Federal Ministry of Agriculture
Advanced position of ITCZ during July to most north of Sudan emerged wide spread and significant amounts of rainfall over the country . The country experienced high amounts of rainfall during July, although, some areas of Northern parts of Gedarif, western parts of Sennar, Blue Nile, northern parts of Upper Nile, parts of White Nile, North Kordufan, North Darfur, northern parts of South Darfur, eastern parts of Jonglei and East Equatoria have below average rainfall amount. Vegetation levels are enhanced in the most central Sudan to normal and near normal levels as a result of above average rainfall in July. The development of vegetation level during July and the favourable conditions of crop development may help in narrowing the food gap by the end of the season. Vegetation situation is worsening in the regions of Upper Nile, Jonglei and East Equatoria, this affect the pastoral activities in this areas.

النشرة الشهرية (31) لمعلومات السوق بالسودان -يوليو 2010 

حكومة الوحدة الوطنية بالسودان و برنامج السودان للمعلومات المتكامل
استمرت أسعار الحبوب الغذائية علي نفس المنوال الذي ساد خلال الأشهر العديدة الماضية حيث أظهرت الأسعار ارتفاعاً في بعض الأسواق أو بقيت علي نفس معدلاتها العالية خلال شهر يونيو الماضي. و يرجع ذلك للانخفاض الملحوظ في معدلات إنتاج الحبوب في الموسم الصيفي الماضي مما يزيد من صعوبة الأوضاع خلال فترة الندرة الحالية و يؤكد ذلك تجاوز معدلات أسعار الحبوب الغذائية الرئيسية خلال شهر يونيو لمتوسطها لنفس الشهر علي مدي الأعوام الخمسة الماضية. وينعكس ارتفاع الأسعار سلباً خصوصاً علي الفئات الأكثر فقراً حيث ينفق 20% من الفقراء ما تتجاوز نسبته السبعون بالمائة من دخلهم السنوي للحصول علي احتياجاتهم الغذائية. و يزيد ارتفاع و تقلب أسعار الحبوب الغذائية بدرجة مفرطة من تردي الحالة التغذوية لتلك الفئات . و مع استمرار أسعار الحبوب في الارتفاع نحو مستويات الذروة الموسمية فإن معاناة الأسر الفقيرة في الحصول علي ما يكفيهم من المواد الغذائية الرئيسية تزداد حده وخاصة في المناطق المتضررة من النزاعات حيث تقل إمدادات الحبوب بصورة حادة نتيجة عدم إنسيان وسائل الترحيل عبر الطرق المؤدية لتلك المناطق ، ولكن يعول علي المراقبة الدقيقة للأسعار لتقييم حالة الأمن الغذائي للفقراء في الأشهر المقبلة.
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