FAO Investment Centre

Safeguarding Land Tenure Rights in the Context of Agricultural Investment


 Land tenure is crucial to the livelihoods of billions of people. A new FAO publication provides guidance to government authorities and others on safeguarding land and resource rights, livelihoods and the environment.

Responding to the need for greater investment in agriculture, this guide encourages all stakeholders – particularly government authorities involved in promoting, approving and monitoring investment – to explore investment models that reduce or avoid the transfer of land tenure rights.

For many, especially poor and vulnerable rural populations, food security is linked to tenure security. Limited access to land and natural resources affects their ability to feed and support themselves. 

Ensuring that all stakeholders can participate in the decision-making processes – and that their concerns, priorities and preferences are taken into account in the design and approval of investments – reduces the risks of unrest and conflict, helping to attract further investment.

This guide also provides advice on how to transfer land or resource rights in ways that respect human rights, foster sustainable livelihoods and do not harm local environments. 

It is available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish.