Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Forest plantations and woodlots in Sudan

Supply and demand of forest products are presented in different scenarios and projections covering both wood and NWFPs. Approximately 70% of rural area supply of fuel wood comes from indigenous forests (reserved and non-reserved) through unplanned illegal felling. However, developments in the oil industry and progressive increase in the use of energy alternatives to wood and improvements in energy use through improved cook stoves constitute good potentials for reducing wood biomass use as a source of energy. A national plan is underway and it is expected to result in positive reduction in wood energy use. The implications on environmental protection are expected to have positive national and global impacts, in addition to reducing deforestation rates. Although Sudan used to be self-sufficient in wood supply, the increasing population and reduced forest area have resulted in a state of deficit for some products, e.g. poles and sawn timber. Substantial parts of these commodities are now imported. This publication is a review on the plantation situation in Sudan, including a historical review, forest area information, location and species composition, plantation silviculture and management. Based on the set of conclusions drawn, general and specific recommendations on the development and management of forests are provided.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book, sourcebook, journal article…)
African Forest Forum
Arid lands, Tropical
Forest Type
Planted forest
Primary Designated Function