Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Tree planting guidelines for Uganda

The book covers all the stages ‘from seed to sawlog’. It focuses on the establishment and management of the main commercial tree species currently being grown in Uganda and is based on the a unique blend of the senior authors’ experience of forestry in Southern and East Africa combined with detailed practical knowledge by the SPGS team over the past five or so years, working with tree growers both large and small throughout Uganda. This SPGS Tree Planting Guidelines had its origin around 2004, when the fledgling Sawlog Production Grant Scheme (SPGS) quickly realized that many potential tree growers in Uganda had little knowledge of how to establish and manage tree crops to maximize (and sustain) timber yields from plantations. With very littlenew planting in Uganda since the early 1970’s, even the country’s professional foresters have had little exposure to commercial forest plantations. The focus of this publication on commercial tree growing in no way belittles the importance of small scale and community tree planting.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book, sourcebook, journal article…)
Forest Type
Planted forest
Primary Designated Function