Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

New Generation Plantation platform

Year of publication 2007
WWF set up NGP in 2007. The NGP platform is a place to learn about better plantation management through real world experiences, and influence others to follow good examples. NGP brings together leading plantation companies and some government agencies that manage and regulate plantations. The NGP platform seeks to advance and influence plantation management beyond its participants by sharing information and leading by example, towards a vision where forest plantations contribute positively to the welfare of local communities and work in harmony with natural ecosystems. Growing demand for timber, paper and fuel wood is putting our natural forests under increasing pressure. Well-managed plantations can be a part of the solution by providing wood on less land than natural forests. NGP participants are also involved in conserving and restoring natural forests around their plantations. For example, they have helped to protect and replant more than 8,000 hectares of Brazil’s Atlantic rainforest . NGP isn't a standard that guarantees specific requirements have been met. It's a vision and a concept that evolves as our knowledge and experience grows. Participants improve their own plantation practices with the help of each other's good examples. They also use the requirements of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification on their plantation management companies participating in NGP have nearly 100% of their plantations certified according to FSC standards.
Type of Case
Forest Type
Planted forest
Primary Designated Function