Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Participatory agriculture and forest land use planning at village and village cluster level - Manual

To document improved approaches and procedures that can be used for future participatory forest and agricultural land use planning (PLUP) at village and village cluster levels, and in a range of different situations in the Lao PDR. Objectives of the manual are to: explain the participatory approaches that should be adopted by practitioners when undertaking PLUP; explain working stages, steps, methods, implementation standards, equipment needed, and outputs required; train and prepare provincial and district staff for implementing PLUP at village and village cluster levels; specify the roles and responsibilities of the respective line agencies contributing to PLUP activities at village and village cluster levels in Lao PDR; deescribe the links between PLUP and land registration in rural areas; define flexible methods that should be applied in specific situations at village and/or village development cluster levels; provide guidance on procedures and methods that are required to enable villagers to register and title communal village forest areas and individual agricultural land parcels; explain how linkages are developed between the relevant agencies in the process of village boundary delineation, agricultural and forest land use zoning, land parcel registration and the extension service. The manual is directed to persons at various levels in relevant government agencies, donors, NGOs and the private sector.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book, sourcebook, journal article…)
GICA, Sida & GTZ
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function