FAO in Tanzania

Project list

Building Resilience of Agri-Food Systems and Better Nutrition in the context of the global pandemic

Building Resilience of Agri-Food Systems and Better Nutrition in the context of the global pandemic


The project aims to reduce malnutrition in Tanzania and Increase Resilience of Agri-food Systems to Global Pandemics (COVID19).

In the bid to achieve this, focus is made on the following specific objectives:

Specific Objective 1: Increase knowledge and adoption of healthy eating habits.

Specific Objective 2: Food systems and access to safe and nutritious food are improved during and after a global pandemic.

Expected Results:

The project will counter challenges emerging from poor eating habits, inability to social distance and conduct agriculture/food trade during a pandemic, and poor market access, which will exacerbate pandemic shocks.

Expected Result 1: A national multidimensional campaign based on locally available food to promote healthy diets and nutrition practices.

Expected Result 2: Innovative solutions for pandemic resilience at agri market places and street food vendor stalls deployed.

Expected Result 3: Market linkages improved. 

Strengthening Plant Health Services in Tanzania for Enhanced Food Safety

Strengthening Plant Health Services in Tanzania for Enhanced Food Safety

Objective: The overall objective of this action is to increase access to safe and quality agriculture produce for national and international markets.

To achieve this goal, the project focuses on the following objectives:

Specific Objective 1: Strengthening the national systems of official controls for agricultural product import and export.

Specific Objective 2: The National Plant health services make use of a reliable surveillance and plant protection system.

Expected Results:

Expected Result 1: Relevant Directorates of Tanzania Plant Health and Pesticides Authority (TPHPA) fulfil their Mandates.

Expected Result 2: Increased capacity of plant health inspectors at border posts.

Expected Result 3: Detection and traceability systems are operational.

Expected Result 4:  Export product sampling and transmission procedures are strengthened.

Capacity Building Related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements in ACP Countries – Phase III (ACP MEAs 3)

Capacity Building Related to Multilateral Environmental Agreements in ACP Countries – Phase III (ACP MEAs 3)

Objective: Increasing environmental sustainability in the agricultural sector in ACP countries.

Specifically, the focus is on:


  • Foresting a more enabling policy environment.
  • Enhancing policy implementation.
  • Facilitating the transition to a more sustainable agricultural system. 

Adoption of ecosystem-based practices across all agricultural sectors to support in the synergistic implementation of the chemical and biodiversity-related conventions by:


  • Supporting countries in mitigating the risks associated with the use of Highly Hazardous Pesticide.
  • Providing policy and technical recommendations for incorporating biodiversity and ecosystem services into agriculture.
  • Strengthening the National Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan to improve biodiversity mainstreaming in agriculture.

Expected Results:

Expected Result 1: Integrating biodiversity and chemical management into agricultural policies.

Expected Result 2: Enhancing field implementation of ecosystem-based practices and approaches.

Expected Result 3: Regional scaling of best policies and practices.

Expected Result 4: Continued support to regional collaboration to strengthen pesticide management.

Expected Result 5: Better global governance and knowledge of biodiversity mainstreaming.

A Partnership for Marine and Coastal Governance and Fisheries Management for Sustainable Blue Growth

A Partnership for Marine and Coastal Governance and Fisheries Management for Sustainable Blue Growth

Objective: The action aims to improve food and nutrition security, increase resilience, and reduce poverty of poor fisheries-dependent coastal communities.

Expected Results:

Expected Result 1: Protection and management of the coastal and marine ecosystems.

Expected Result 2: Coastal fisheries are sustainably managed using the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF).

Expected Result 3: Improved regional and national coordination between fisheries and environmental management institutions.

UN Joint Programme for Kigoma – Focus on Food and Economic Security through Agriculture

UN Joint Programme for Kigoma – Focus on Food and Economic Security through Agriculture


To provide a value chain-centric approach to addressing the various bottlenecks in the maize, cassava, bean, and livestock value chains, and to increase smallholder farmer investment while lowering investment risk and increasing private sector engagement.

Expected Results:

Expected Result 1: Organizational and practical capacities of smallholder producers strengthened for increased production, post- harvest handling and nutrition.

Expected Result 2: Increased resilience of smallholder farmers to climate shocks and adoption of ecosystems-based adaptation strategies.

Forest and Farm Facility

Forest and Farm Facility


The aim of the action is to ensure climate resilient landscapes and improved livelihoods.

Expected Results:

Expected Result 1: More enabling policy and legal frameworks for Forest and Farm Producers Organizations (FFPOs).

Expected Result 2: Increased entrepreneurship, access to markets and finance.

Expected Result 3: Improved delivery of landscape scale mitigation, adaptation, and climate resilience.

Expected Result 4: Improved and equitable access to social and cultural services.

Support Sustainable Value Chain Development for Job Creation, Food, and Nutrition Security

Support Sustainable Value Chain Development for Job Creation, Food, and Nutrition Security


To transform the economy for greater pro-poor inclusiveness, competitiveness and improved opportunities for decent and productive employment.

Expected Results:

Expected Result 1: Evidence-based policies, strategies, programmes, and regulatory frameworks are developed, reviewed, and implemented to promote poverty inclusion, competitiveness, and decent and productive employment.

Expected Result 2: Through increased outreach, simplified regulation, and efficient administration, key institutions such as business regulatory bodies, trade/investment institutions, and business development services (BDS) will be able to improve performance.

Expected Result 3: Targeted enterprises (individuals and cooperatives) will be able to expand, add value to their products, and move up the value chain throughout the country.

Emergency Response to the Outbreak of Red Billed (Quelea quelea) Birds in Tanzania

Emergency Response to the Outbreak of Red Billed (Quelea quelea) Birds in Tanzania

Objective: Build capacity to respond adequately to the Quelea quelea outbreak in Tanzania and control the Quelea quelea outbreak that is currently destroying crops and threatening the country's food security situation.

Expected Results:

Expected Result 1: Quelea quelea population significantly reduced across affected regions.

Expected Result 2: Improved stakeholder coordination and awareness of the red billed (Quelea quelea) bird outbreak in Tanzania.

Enhancing Animal Health and One Health Capacities to Mitigate Zoonotic Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Risks and Threats in Tanzania

Enhancing Animal Health and One Health Capacities to Mitigate Zoonotic Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Risks and Threats in Tanzania

Objective: To build sustainable animal health systems and One Health capacities to mitigate risks and threats caused by emerging and re-emerging zoonoses, endemic zoonoses and AMR.

Expected Results:

Expected Result 1: Improved national capacities for preparedness, early detection, reporting, and response to zoonoses and AMR threats through capacity building and the transfer of technology and tools in epidemiology, surveillance, diagnostics, reporting, risk assessment, mapping, modelling, forecasting, and emergency management.

Expected Result 2: Improved strategies to reduce risks from zoonoses and AMR by strengthening One Health platforms and capacities of animal health professionals, private actors and communities.  

Expected Result 3: Improved national capacities to create a policy environment that facilitates national and local commitment and the allocation of resources for improved detection, prevention and control of zoonoses and AMR.

Engaging the Food and Agriculture Sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa, and South and South-East Asia to generate data-for-action to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) using a One Health Approach

Engaging the Food and Agriculture Sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa, and South and South-East Asia to generate data-for-action to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) using a One Health Approach

Objective: Increased and improved data generation (AMR-specific and sensitive), analysis, sharing, and utilization for evidence-based decision making in the food and agriculture sector.

Expected Results:

Expected Result 1: Strengthened laboratory and surveillance capabilities, as well as data management infrastructures, to generate, collect, and share data on AMR, antimicrobial consumption (AMC), and antimicrobial residues, and to actively contribute to integrated AMR surveillance.

Expected Result 2: Antimicrobial use practices and good practices that reduce AMR transmission along the food and agriculture value chains are promoted.

Expected Result 3: Development and documentation of an evidence-based AMR economic argument in the food and agriculture sectors to support decision-making.

Expected Result 4: Antimicrobial policies and governance enhanced to minimize the role of sub-standard and falsified (SF) antimicrobials in food and agriculture.

Expected Result 5: Country owned processes and collaborative initiatives for the implementation of multi-sectoral One Health AMR National Action Plans (NAPs).