Technical Cooperation Programme

Introduction text...
Title Technical Support for Stock Assessment of Marine Resources in Bangladesh
Abstract Marine fisheries in Bangladesh are multi-species fisheries conducted in coastal areas (i.e. waters within 40 m depth zone) by small-scale artisanal fishers and, beyond the 40 m depth zone, by industrial trawlers. Over 225 industrial trawlers (fish and shrimp)...(more)
Start date 01/10/2016
End date 31/10/2019
Budget 345000$
Project Code TCP/BGD/3601
Title Promotion de l`élevage de palourdes et d`huîtres à Djibouti
Abstract Le Gouvernement de Djibouti s’est engagé depuis plusieurs années à développer l’aquaculture en se dotant d’un Cadre stratégique de développement durable de l’aquaculture marine et en faisant appel à l’appui de la FAO. Malgré des conditions naturelles favorables...(more)
Start date 01/10/2016
End date 30/12/2019
Budget 438000$
Project Code TCP/DJI/3602
Title Supporting Agri-Business Growth & Development through enhanced Marketing Systems and Value Addition
Abstract The commercialization of agriculture in Uganda is faced with a number of challenges, including low productivity and poor quality of products, non-sustainable supplies, limited value addition and agroprocessing initiatives...(more)
Start date 01/10/2016
End date 30/06/2019
Budget 350000$
Project Code TCP/UGA/3601
Title Amélioration de la productivité, de la compétitivité et développement d'une indication géographique de l’ananas pain de sucre du Bénin
Abstract L’ananas béninois est très apprécié sur les marchés internationaux et figure depuis quelques années parmi les principaux produits d’exportation du pays...(more)
Start date 01/10/2016
End date 30/09/2019
Budget 489000$
Project Code TCP/BEN/3602
Title Support to Enhancing the Capacity of Youth and Women for Employment in Aquaculture
Abstract The fisheries sector of the Gambia has long beendependent on both artisanal and industrial capturefisheries; however, productivity in this area is decliningfor a variety of reasons...(more)
Start date 10/09/2016
End date 31/07/2019
Budget 442000$
Project Code TCP/GAM/3603
Title Support to the Preparation of a National Land Consolidation Strategy and a Land Consolidation Pilot Project
Abstract One of the main goals for the Government of Azerbaijan is to reduce dependence of its economy on oil and ensure the expansion of economic development to rural areas..(more) 
Start date 01/09/2016
End date 31/08/2018
Budget 362000$
Project Code TCP/AZE/3601
Title Support to enhancing the capacity of youth and women for employment in aquaculture
Abstract The fisheries sector of the Gambia has long been dependent on both artisanal and industrial capture fisheries; however, productivity in this area is declining for a variety of reasons...(more)
Start date 01/09/2016
End date 31/07/2019
Budget 442000$
Project Code TCP/GAM/3603
Title Appui à la valorisation des produits forestiers non ligneux - cas de la production du beurre de karité à Kankan
Abstract Afin de lutter contre la pauvreté, le Gouvernement a opté pour un développement accéléré des filières porteuses, et notamment l’exploitation durable des Produits forestiers non ligneux (PFNL)...(more)
Start date 01/09/2016
End date 31/08/2018
Budget 414000$
Project Code TCP/GUI/3604
Title Improving value chain of artisanal fisheries in Equatorial Guinea
Abstract La República de Guinea Ecuatorial cuenta con una extensión marítima once veces superior a la terrestre lo que supone un sector pesquero con gran potencial para el desarrollo del país, la generación de empleo, la reducción de la pobreza...(more)
Start date 23/08/2016
End date 28/02/2019
Budget 293000$
Project Code TCP/EQG/3602
Title Saint Kitts and Nevis - Towards a Caribbean Blue Revolution
Abstract Aquaculture production by Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries has been around five percent of total fish production in recent years...(more)
Start date 16/08/2016
End date 30/06/2019
Budget 463000$
Project Code TCP/SLC/3601
Title Barbados - Towards a Caribbean Blue Revolution
Abstract Aquaculture production by Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries has been around five percent of total fish production in recent years...(more)
Start date 16/08/2016
End date 30/06/2019
Budget 463000$
Project Code TCP/SLC/3601
Title Bahamas - Towards a Caribbean Blue Revolution
Abstract Aquaculture production by Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries has been around five percent of total fish production in recent years...(more)
Start date 16/08/2016
End date 30/06/2019
Budget 463000$
Project Code TCP/SLC/3601
Title Towards a Caribbean Blue Revolution
Abstract Aquaculture production by Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries has been around five percent of total fish production in recent years...(more)
Start date 16/08/2016
End date 30/06/2019
Budget 463000$
Project Code TCP/SLC/3601
Title Appui à l`élaboration d`une Stratégie Nationale de Mécanisation Agricole au Tchad
Abstract L’amélioration de la production et de la productivité agricole constitue un véritable enjeu au Tchad pour combattre l’insécurité alimentaire qui sévit dans le pays. Les pouvoirs publics ont lancé un grand chantier de développement de la mécanisation agricole...(more)
Start date 16/08/2016
End date 31/12/2018
Budget 282000$
Project Code TCP/CHD/3602
Title Technical support for agroforestry development in lowland landscapes for improved food security
Abstract Agricultural production in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has been unable to meet the demand for food since the 1990s as a result of recurrent natural disasters such as floods and droughts...(more)
Start date 11/08/2016
End date 31/12/2018
Budget 400000$
Project Code TCP/DRK/3602
Title Validation et dissémination de systèmes intégrées d`aquaculture - agriculture (rizipisciculture et autres) à travers de l'approche « Champs-Ecoles des Producteurs »
Abstract La Guinée-Bissau est l’un des pays les plus pauvres du monde. Réduit à une agriculture de subsistance malgré d’importantes ressources naturelles, il n’arrive pas à couvrir les besoins de sa population et se retrouve ainsi dépendant des importations...(more)
Start date 01/08/2016
End date 30/09/2018
Budget 299000$
Project Code TCP/GBS/3604
Title Strengthening Forest Management Unit for Sustainable Forest Management and Community Empowerment
Abstract Indonesian forests are home to some of the most biologically diverse forests in the world...(more)
Start date 18/07/2016
End date 30/11/2018
Budget 270000$
Project Code TCP/INS/3602
Title Mali - Enhanced Crossboundary Water Resource Management in the Senegal River Basin
Abstract Livelihoods across a large portion of sub-Saharan Africa are dependent upon rainfed agriculture, with only a small percentage of arable land benefiting from irrigation..(more)
Start date 14/07/2016
End date 31/12/2018
Budget 500000$
Project Code TCP/INT/3602
Title Mauritania - Enhanced Crossboundary Water Resource Management in the Senegal River Basin
Abstract Livelihoods across a large portion of sub-Saharan Africa are dependent upon rainfed agriculture, with only a small percentage of arable land benefiting from irrigation..(more)
Start date 14/07/2016
End date 31/12/2018
Budget 500000$
Project Code TCP/INT/3602
Title Guinea - Enhanced Crossboundary Water Resource Management in the Senegal River Basin
Abstract Livelihoods across a large portion of sub-Saharan Africa are dependent upon rainfed agriculture, with only a small percentage of arable land benefiting from irrigation..(more)
Start date 14/07/2016
End date 31/12/2018
Budget 500000$
Project Code TCP/INT/3602