FAO Aquaculture Newsletter
FAN on CD–ROM – 2006


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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome 2006


FAO. 2006.
FAO Aquaculture Newsletter.
Rome, FAO. 2006. CDROM (issues 26 to 35)

We are pleased to present this CD–ROM version of the FAO Aquaculture Newsletter (FAN) to provide wider dissemination of FAO aquaculture news and to increase the impact of FAN. The CD–ROM contains issues 26–35 of FAN, from December 2000 to June 2006. The documents are in pdf format. Each issue can be accessed by clicking on the appropriate FAN number on the page menu.pdf. About 1 500 copies are distributed worldwide and FAN is now available on the Internet on the FAO Web site at: http://www.fao.org/fishery/publications/fan/. Through FAN, we strive to update our users with the latest aquaculture development news and information from FAO and our partners. We will periodically compile issues of FAN on CD–ROM and other electronic media to support our print and Web-based distribution. We hope to continue improving FAN and we appreciate receiving your comments on our efforts.

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