Questionnaire to FAO Member Nations in the Context
of the Strategic Framework Preparation - FAO 2000 Project

Purpose of the Questionnaire
This questionnaire is part of the participatory process of consultation with the full membership of FAO, as called for by Conference Resolution 6/97, entitled "Strengthening the FAO 2000 Project". It is intended to be circulated to all Member Governments prior to the process of review by established intergovernmental bodies, to afford them an opportunity to provide their individual views at the start of the process, and before the Secretariat produces the first draft of the Strategic Framework.

As indicated at the Joint Meeting of the 79th Session of the Programme Committee and the 89th Session of the Finance Committee (JM 98/1) in May 1998, the First Draft Strategic Framework (Version 1.0) is to be presented to the Programme and Finance Committees in September 1998 and the Council in November 1998. It is therefore important that replies to the questionnaire be provided by 3 July, in time for results to be analyzed by the Secretariat and incorporated in the First Draft of the Strategic Framework. Completion of the questionnaire within this timeframe would enable the full membership of FAO to participate in the starting point of the process of preparing the Strategic Framework, thus establishing it on a fully participatory basis. However, responses received after this date will be progressively taken into account in later versions of the Strategic Framework.

The questionnaire is aimed at seeking advice from the Government authorities, particularly those concerned with agriculture, fisheries, forestry and rural development, on the areas which they consider to provide the greatest possibility for FAO to have a beneficial impact. It consists of two sets of questions:

(a) The first set of questions is focused on the starting point for the preparation of the Strategic Framework, which has been the development by the Secretariat of draft definitions of Global Goals of Member Nations, on the basis of a preliminary analysis of the outcome of major international conferences (the World Food Summit and other recent FAO meetings, as well as the whole set of UN Conferences and Summits during the Nineties). As these Global Goals are providing both a starting point and a framework for the Secretariat in its own elaboration of Strategic Framework proposals, it is of the utmost importance that FAO's major stakeholders, the Member Nations, provide their own view on the adequacy of this Global Goals formulation.

(b) The second set of questions concerns the broad areas of work directly related to the above-mentioned Member Nations Goals in which FAO can be expected to contribute through the provision of services. These areas of work have been identified by the FAO Secretariat on a preliminary basis, taking into account the results of a first round of internal analyses of FAO competencies. It is essential to obtain the views of Governments on the importance and relevance of these areas of work, since within each of these areas, the Secretariat is proposing to develop a set of goals intended to guide FAO action over the next 15 years. These goals will eventually become part of and be presented in the First Draft of the Strategic Framework (Version 1.0), going to the Governing Bodies, as explained above.

Format: The questionnaire is structured in two parts:

      (a) Member Nations Goals - Adequacy of Formulation
      (b) Related Areas of Work for FAO - Relevance and Appropriateness

Please note that the number of questions have been limited to facilitate response and obtain the broadest possible participation of Member Nations, particularly in the initial phase of the preparation of the Strategic Framework. While most questions are closed to enable computerized treatment of the questionnaire results, a number have been left open, to invite response and allow Governments to fully express their views.

This questionnaire has been addressed as required under the official channels of communication with Governments. However, as the questions relate to FAO's entire mandate, which may be broader than that of the addressee ministry or department, addressees are encouraged to involve other Governmental sources as they deem appropriate:


Please tick for
those sectors covered by
this response

Please tick for
those sectors where
we should expect a separate response


A single consolidated response can be submitted or, alternatively, separate responses for each sector would also be acceptable.

If the questionnaire was delivered by the FAO Representative to your country, please return it to him/her directly. Otherwise, it should be returned to Mr. Tony Wade by facsimile (fax: 39 06 5705 4599), Email ([email protected] ) or by mail. Responses received by 3 July will be incorporated into the first draft of the Strategic Framework.


If the questionnaire was delivered by the FAO Representative to your country, please return it to him/her directly. Otherwise, it should be returned to Mr. Tony Wade by facsimile (fax: 39 06 5705 4599), Email ([email protected] ) or by mail. Responses received by 3 July will be incorporated into the first draft of the Strategic Framework.

Country: ________________________ Date : _____________

Questionnaire respondent (please indicate Government agency or ministry):



Global Goals of Member Nations are conceived as providing the starting point for the Strategic Framework preparation. To express your opinion, as a Member Nation, of the adequacy of the proposed formulation for Member Nations Global Goals, please check one box for each goal and answer the questions below :
Mark (x) one box:

Global Goals of Member Nations:
Proposed Formulation

Fully agree as stated

Agree with substance but not as stated


1. Access of all people at all times to sufficient nutritionally adequate and safe food with an immediate view to reducing the number of hungry people to half their 1996 level by 2015


2. The continued and sustainable contribution of agriculture and rural development to economic and social development, to an expanding world economy and to the well-being of all


3. The conservation, improvement and sustainable utilization, for the good of all humankind, of natural resources, including land, water, forests, fisheries and the genetic resource base for food and agriculture



Directly related to the Member Nations' Global Goals, there are a number of areas of work in which FAO can be expected to participate. They have been divided into five major categories, and answers are requested regarding the specific areas in which FAO is expected to contribute through the provision of services as well as other areas you view as i mportant and which are not included here.

Two questions are asked related to these specific areas:

To answer please fill the boxes, using the following code:


Priority to area of work

FAO's role as a supplier of services in this area


highest priority and essential

FAO's role is of central importance


high priority, to be addressed to the extent resources permit

major FAO role


less priority, could be reduced or phased out over time

minor FAO role


least priority, could be abandoned in the near future

little or no role for FAO

Goals-related Areas of Work for FAO:

1. Providing data, information assessment and analysis on all aspects of food and agriculture to permit (a) the monitoring of the global state of food and agriculture, forestry and fisheries; and (b) the implementation of appropriate policy and management decisions by individual Member Nations and the international community.

Specific areas of FAO contributions:

Mark boxes with code letter:

Level of priority FAO's role as a provider of services

    1.1 provision of a global set of agricultural, fishery and forestry data


    1.2 regular assessments and analyses of trends in food security, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, natural resources and scientific knowledge:

      (i) Globally


      (ii) For your country


    1.3 promotion of a central place for food security on the international agenda through monitoring implementation of the World Food Summit Plan of Action, global advocacy and inter-action with all partners, including civil society


2. Promoting national and international policy and regulatory frameworks for food and agricultural, fisheries
and forestry production, consumption and trade.

Specific areas of FAO contributions:

Mark boxes with code letter:

Level of priority FAO's role as a provider of services

      2.1 developing/facilitating agreement on and monitoring implementation of international standards, codes of conduct and other instruments covering the production, fair and safe use and exchange of agricultural, fishery and forestry goods, encouraging the broadest participation of Member Nations


      2.2 adoption of national policies, institutional mechanisms and application of appropriate technology to ensure that agricultural, fishery and forestry products meet accepted local and international regulatory standards and norms


3. Maximizing the contribution of the agriculture, fishery and forestry sectors to sustainable national
economic and social development.

Specific areas of FAO contributions:

Mark boxes with code letter:

Level of priority FAO's role as a provider of services

      3.1 sectoral policy advice and assistance to Member Nations in making strategic choices to develop and maintain sustainable and efficient market-oriented agriculture, fishery and forestry sectors which accelerate development and generate employment


      3.2 facilitating the adoption of technologically appropriate and sustainable packages and solutions by Member Nations, so as to contribute to the production and supply of sufficient food and agricultural, fishery and forestry goods


4. Promoting the conservation, improvement and sustainable utilization of land, water, forests, fisheries
and the genetic resource base for food and agriculture.

Specific areas of FAO contributions:

Mark boxes with code letter:

Level of priority FAO's role as a provider of services

      4.1 improved management of natural resources by Member Nations with a view to enhancing the resource base and permitting sustainable intensification of production systems


      4.2 supporting the adoption of policies based on the recognition of the private and social costs and benefits of natural resource degradation, preservation and rehabilitation, with attention to the resources and environments at greatest risk


5. Supporting the eradication of rural poverty and food insecurity, and dealing with food and agricultural emergencies

Specific areas of FAO contributions:

Mark boxes with code letter:

Level of priority FAO's role as a provider of services

      5.1 policies and actions which take account of the interactions between agriculture, fishery and forestry and other sectors in income and employment generation and supporting more equitable access by all to natural economic and social resources and/or benefits


      5.2 encouraging governments to recognize and target particularly disadvantaged groups (e.g. the undernourished, the rural poor, women, resource-poor producers), with special measures to empower them to attain access to sufficient food and to sustainable livelihoods


      5.3 assistance in preventing disaster-related emergencies, provision of early warning of food emergencies and helping affected countries and populations to rehabilitate their food production systems


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In the event FAO should find it necessary to follow up on this questionnaire, would you please be so kind as to complete the following information for a person who could be contacted if necessary.
Name: ______________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________
Telephone number _________________________ FAX ________________________
E-mail address ______________________________________________________