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Рыбное хозяйство

Название Генеральная комиссия по рыболовству в Средиземном море (ГКРС)
Кодекс NFI-716
Следующая сессия

Предстоящие мероприятия

Сессии и документы

См. документы Генеральной комиссии по рыболовству в Средиземном море

Правовая основа
Статья Устава

Статья XIV

История создания

Established under an Agreement drafted in Rome on 24 September 1949 and approved by the FAO Conference at its Fifth Session (1949) and which came into force on 20 February 1952.


The Agreement for the establishment of the GFCM underwent four amendments:

  • The first in 1963 during the first GFCM extraordinary session and later approved by the FAO Conference at its 12th Session with Resolution 39/63.
  • The second in 1976 during the thirteenth GFCM session and later approved by the FAO Council at its 70th Session with Resolution 3/70.
  • The third in 1997 during the 22nd GFCM session and later approved by the FAO Council at its 113th session with Resolution 3/113).
  • The fourth in 2014 during the 38th GFCM session and later approved by the FAO Council at its 150th session, refer to the annex F of the Council’s report.

The GFCM Rules of Procedures and Financial regulations were last amended in 2015 at the 39th GFCM session.

Правила процедуры

As amended in 2015.

Категория Кат. 1

To promote the development, conservation, rational management and best utilization of living marine resources in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea; to keep the economic and social aspects of the fishing industry under review and recommend measures for its development; to encourage, recommend and, as appropriate, undertake training, extension, research and development activities in all aspects of fisheries, including the protection of living marine resources (Article III of the Agreement).

Секретарь г-н Abdellah Srour исполнительный секретарь

Member Nations and Associate Members of the Organization which accept the Agreement in accordance with Article XI thereof. Other Nations that are Members of the United Nations, any of its Specialized Agencies or the International Atomic Energy Agency, may be admitted as Members by a two-thirds majority of the Commission's Membership.

Число членов 24
Список членов
  • Албания
  • Алжир
  • Болгария
  • Греция
  • Египет
  • Израиль
  • Испания
  • Италия
  • Кипр
  • Ливан
  • Ливия
  • Мальта
  • Марокко
  • Монако
  • Румыния
  • Сирийская Арабская Республика
  • Словения
  • Тунис
  • Турция
  • Франция
  • Хорватия
  • Черногория
  • Европейский союз (организация-член)
Рабочие языки английский, арабский, испанский и французский
Номер документа GFCM
Периодичность проведения сессий Обычно одна сессия в год (с 1997 года)
Для контактов

[email protected]


Департамент рыболовства и аквакультуры

Первая сессия Июль 1952 года
Вспомогательные органы

The are currently three cooperating non-contracting parties: Bosnia and Herzegovina (2016); Georgia (2015); Ukraine (2015) [see Article 1(e) of the Agreement]