Governing and Statutory Bodies Web site

Food Policy and Nutrition

Title Ad hoc Codex Intergovernmental Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance
Code CX-804
Next Session

Adjourned sine die

Sessions and documents

Fourth Session - October 2010 (Muju , Republic of Korea)
Third Session - October 2009 (Jeju , Republic of Korea)
Second Session - October 2008 (Seoul, Republic of Korea)
First Session - October 2007 (Seoul, Republic of Korea)

View reports of the Ad hoc Codex Intergovernmental Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance

Legal Framework

Established in 2007. Host government is the Republic of Korea.

Rules of Procedure

To develop guidance on methodology and processes for risk assessment, its application to the antimicrobials used in human and veterinary medicine as provided by FAO/WHO through JEMRA, and in close cooperation with OIE, with subsequent consideration of risk management options. In this process work undertaken in this field at national, regional and international levels should be taken into account.


To develop science based guidance, taking full account of its risk analysis principles and the work and standards of other relevant international Organizations, such as FAO, WHO and OIE. The intent of this guidance is to assess the risks to human health associated with the presence in food and feed including aquaculture and the transmission through food and feed of antimicrobial resistant microorganisms and antimicrobial resistance genes and to develop appropriate risk management advice based on that assessment to reduce such risk. The Task Force should attempt to put into perspective the risk of increase of antimicrobial resistance in human beings and animals, generated by different areas of use of antimicrobials such as veterinary applications, plant protection or food processing.

Time frame: the Task Force shall complete its work within four sessions, starting in 2007.

Languages English, French and Spanish
Document symbol CX/AMR
Frequency of Sessions Normally one session per year
Division Nutrition and Consumer Protection Division (AGN)
Contact information/email

[email protected]

First Session October 2007
Pattern of sessions 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010

Statutory Body of the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission