Governing and Statutory Bodies Web site

Plant Production and Protection

Title FAO Desert Locust Control Committee (DLCC)
Code AGP-713
Sessions and documents

View documents of the FAO Desert Locust Control Committee

Legal Framework
Article of Constitution

Article VI.2


Established in January 1955 by the Director-General on the recommendation of the Working Party on Desert Locust Control (1954) as an expansion of the previous Coordinating Committee for the Control of the Desert Locust in the Arabian Peninsula. The Conference at its Eighth Session in 1955 (Resolution 19/55) endorsed the establishment of the Committee and approved its terms of reference.

Rules of Procedure

General Rules of the Organization.

Category Cat. 1

As amended by the Council at its Fifty-first Session (1968, Resolution 3/51):

  • To keep the Desert Locust situation under review;
  • to coordinate the Desert Locust control campaign in the Arabian Peninsula and other affected areas;
  • to promote the overall coordination of work by various national and regional anti-locust organizations and commissions;
  • to promote the coordination of national and international policies and preventive measures in Desert Locust control and research;
  • to provide the Director-General with technical and scientific advice on the Desert Locust situation and on the measures required to keep it under control. For this purpose, whenever there are scientific and technical matters to be discussed at the future sessions of the FAO Desert Locust Control Committee, they should be preceded by meetings of a small number of locust experts to study and report to the Committee on all relevant technical and scientific matters designed to improve and rationalize control of the Desert Locust;
  • to give general policy guidance and to provide technical advice to the Director-General on, and review of, the work programme financed under the International Desert Locust Trust Fund No. 9161, and to review the annual and financial reports for the work performed under the above-mentioned Trust Fund.

Member Nations and Associate Members affected by the Desert Locust and other interested Governments.

Languages Arabic, English and French
Document symbol AGP:DLCC
Division Plant Production and Protection Division (AGP)
Contact information/email

 [email protected]















First Session April 1955