Governing and Statutory Bodies Web site

Intergovernmental Group on Grains (EST-709)

Title Intergovernmental Group on Grains
Code EST-709
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Legal Framework

Established by the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) at its Twenty-eighth Session (1957).

Rules of Procedure

Revised rules were adopted at the Twenty-first and Twenty-seventh Sessions.

Category Cat. 1

To consider matters relating to all grains, other than rice, including review of national grain policies and their international effects. To study the production and consumption of, and trade in, grains. To consider how best to deal with any special difficulties which may exist or may be expected to arise. The Group gives special emphasis to problems related to coarse grains, to grains used as animal feed, and to developing countries. The Group is also designated an ICB for purposes of submitting projects for financing by the Common Fund for Commodities on grains, pulses, roots and tubers.

Secretary Mr Abdolreza Abbassian, EST

Open to all Members and Associate Members of FAO that are substantially interested in the supply, utilization and/or trade in grains. Interested non-Member Nations of the Organization that are Members of the United Nations, any of its Specialized Agencies or the International Atomic Energy Agency, may be admitted to Membership by the FAO Council. At its Forty-eighth Session (1967), the Council approved the participation of the USSR in the Group.

Chairperson Mr R. Parasuram (India) (2007)
Languages English, French and Spanish
Document symbol CCP:GR
Frequency of Sessions Normally one session per biennium
Division Trade and Markets Division (EST)
Contact information/email

[email protected]

Web site


First Session May 1957

Subsidiary Body of the Committee on Commodity Problems