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Межправительственная группа (МПГ) по чаю (EST-722)

Название Межправительственная группа (МПГ) по чаю
Кодекс EST-722
Сессии и документы

См. документы Межправительственной группы по чаю

Правовая основа
История создания

Established by the Committee of Commodity Problems (CCP) at its Forty-fourth Session (1969) as the Consultative Committee on tea, following a series of ad hoc intergovernmental consultations under FAO auspices beginning in 1965 and an emergency meeting of tea-exporting countries in 1969 which agreed on an informal export quota arrangement for 1970. The title of this Body was changed in 1971 to that above.

Правила процедуры

Revised and adopted at the Sixth Session of the Group (1985).

Категория Кат. 1

To provide a forum for consultations on and studies of all problems connected with tea. In particular, to conduct a continuing review of short and long term developments in tea production, consumption, trade and prices, to study market structure and the promotion of tea consumption, and to consider international action and prepare proposals for submission to Governments.

Секретарь Mr Boubaker Ben-Belhassen, EST

Open to all Members and Associate Members of the Organization that are substantially interested in the production or consumption of and trade in tea. Interested non-Member Nations of the Organization that are Members of the United Nations, any of its Specialized Agencies or the International Atomic Energy Agency, may be admitted by the Council of the Organization to Membership in the Group.

Председатель Mr Ruan Jianyun (China) (2018)
Рабочие языки английский, испанский и французский
Номер документа CCP:TE
Отдел Отдел торговли и рынков
Для контактов

[email protected]

Первая сессия Декабрь 1969 года
Сессии 1969, 1970, 1974 (специальная сессия), 1976, дважды в 1977, 1985, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2016 и 2016 годы

Вспомогательный орган Комитета по проблемам сырьевых товаров (КСТ)