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Межправительственная группа (МПГ) по бананам и тропическим фруктам (EST-716)

Название Межправительственная группа (МПГ) по бананам и тропическим фруктам
Кодекс EST-716
Сессии и документы

См. документы Межправительственной группы по бананам и тропическим фруктам

Правовая основа
История создания

Established by the Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) at is Sixty-second Session (1999). It replaced the former Intergovernmental Group on Bananas.

Правила процедуры

Adopted at the First Session (1999). Rules of Procedure and Terms of Reference

Категория Кат. 1
  • To provide a forum for consultations on and studies of the economic and technical aspects of production, marketing, trade and consumption of bananas and tropical fruits.
  • To improve statistical services and provision of information regarding the supply and demand position of bananas and tropical fruit.
  • To study the economic aspects of consumption and the possibilities of increasing world consumption, with special reference to the relations between consumption and prices, population, income, market access, and trade barriers.
  • To study the efficiency and social aspects of the banana and tropical fruit industries.
  • To study the economic problems of production, processing, transportation, marketing and distribution of bananas and tropical fruits.
Секретарь Г-н Бубакер Бен-Бельхассен

Open to all Members and Associate Members of the Organization that are substantially interested in the production or consumption of and trade in bananas and/or tropical fruits. Interested non-Member States of the Organization that are Members of the United Nations, any of its Specialized Agencies or the International Atomic Energy Agency, may be admitted by the Council of the Organization to Membership in the Group.

Председатель г-н Меди Мунги (Камерун) (2011 г.)
Рабочие языки английский, испанский и французский
Номер документа CCP:BA/TF
Отдел Отдел торговли и рынков
Для контактов

[email protected]

Первая сессия Май 1999 года
Сессии 1999, 2001, 2004, 2009 и 2011 годы