Urban Food Actions Platform

An efficient urban food policy needs a broad involvement of stakeholders, allowing horizontal (at the local level), vertical (with other territorial levels), and multisectorial coordinations. Such governance mechanisms are not easy to set.
That is why this section shares examples of participatory multi-level food governance, multi-stakeholder platforms or food councils, education and awareness raising campaigns, open data of food policies, internal organizations of local governments, partnerships with civil society, the private sector, universities and international organizations.

Related Resources

Governance and planning - Reports & Case Studies
ONLY IN FRENCH Against a backdrop of annual urban growth of over 4%, and with the aim of drawing up a territorial food plan, the elected representatives and stakeholders of the Ziguinchor municipality have joined forces with Grdr and CIRAD to carry out a diagnosis of the city's food system. The...
Senegal (Africa)
2023 - Study coordinated by Grdr in collaboration with CIRAD (Ninon SIRDEY)
Governance and planning - Local Policies
This announcement from New York City's Mayor on 18 April 2023 may interest those of you who work with cities and subnational governments to recognize the importance of local government's role in reducing the emissions footprint of food systems
United States of America (North America)
2023 -
Governance and planning, Food production and ecosystem management - Policy Briefs
Nature-based solutions can help cities become more resilient, healthy and equitable. But for urban nature to reach its full potential, investments need to be substantially scaled up. In 2020, NbS received just 0.3% of overall spending on urban infrastructure, and investments are unequally distributed across and within cities. With this...
(Global coverage)
2023 - United Nations Environment Programme; University of Pennsylvania, Penn Institute for Urban Research Cities; Climate Finance Leadership Alliance
Governance and planning - Reports & Case Studies
Around the world, C40 mayors and the cities they lead are taking ambitious and urgent climate action, working together to build a more sustainable, resilient and equitable future. While shifting patterns of food consumption is a relatively new field for most city governments, cities have the innovation and ambition necessary to...
Canada, Denmark, France, Italy, Japan, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States of America (Global coverage)
2022 - C40
Governance and planning, Food production and ecosystem management, Food supply and distribution - Guidelines
Developing and maintaining healthy retail food environments and green spaces isof the utmost and pressing importance in urban centres. To this end, it is crucial to provide cities with tools to assess the availability, accessibility and use of food outlets and green spaces that facilitate healthy eating and living for...
Peru, Tanzania, Tunisia (Global coverage)
2022 - FAO, GAIN, WOF