Urban Food Actions Platform

Hebron: a unique and controlled vegetable market linked to a compost facility

Author: FAO, EStà, Municipality of Hebron
Publisher: FAO

The Municipality of Hebron implemented a market center to sell on a unique place the vegetables produced in the area in order to improve quality control and traceability, and to supervise compliance with standards for packaging and final pricing. The market center is directly linked to a compost facility, valorizing organic waste, and redistributing organic fertilizer to local food producers. The initiative has been developed with the support of Hebron University and presented for potential replication to other West Bank cities.

Topic: Food loss and waste
Organization: FAO
Author: FAO, EStà, Municipality of Hebron
Year: 2018
Type: Reports & Case Studies
City (Country): Palestine
Region: Near East
Resource format: Document
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