FAO in Viet Nam

Web Conference for DPSIR Survey for SOLAW21 in Asia and the Pacific


The first edition of the State of the World’s Land and Water Resources for Food and Agriculture (SOLAW) was published in 2011 (http://www.fao.org/nr/solaw/solaw-home/en/).

The SOLAW was FAO's first flagship publication on the global status of land and water resources aimed at sensitizing its target audience on the status of land resources at global and regional levels and FAO's viewpoint on appropriate recommendations for policy formulation.

Since the launch of SOLAW in 2011, numerous important developments have taken place and thus need to update the changes, status and trends of land and water resources. The new edition of SOLAW is scheduled to be published in 2021 and the preparatory work lead by the Land and Water Division (CBL). To assess and collect the data at national and regional levels, CBL SOLAW Team is organizing a regional consultation and introduction of the assessment methodology, DPSIR framework with Web conference (Zoom) arrangement.

The web conference is scheduled on 4 & 6 August 2020 (14:00-15:30 BKK time)